Chap. 27 - From Embers to Fire

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The dazed state Kanan was in prevented him from doing anything. He was dizzy, disoriented, unable to know what was happening around him. The wound on his shoulder hurt, but that was insignificant compared to the powerful headache he was suffering from.

The pain was so strong that his eyes could not even focus on his own hands, his nose was unable to perceive any type of smell, his tongue was numb, and on his extremities he had that scratchy sensation like when your circulation is cut off. And it was no wonder because, unlike transporting consciousness into the warp, transporting the entire body was a much more traumatic experience.

Kanan looked up, but was unable to understand what his eyes were seeing. Right next to him, carrying his right arm was Murrey, but he was in a kind of state of... petrification or something similar. Its color was duller, as if it had been suddenly turned to stone or frozen in time.

The warlord's hand looked straight ahead, with his jaws open as if he had frozen at the precise moment he was giving an order or something similar. But it was not the only one.

Surrounding him were at least a hundred of his nobles, who still seemed to be fighting an enemy he could not see. All, frozen in time as if it were a photo. And you could even see those further back turning around firing their bolters, while the fire itself and the bullets that their weapons spat had also frozen in time.

Kanan watched the whole spectacle more with amazement than fear. In a way it was... beautiful in its own way. Never before was he able to see the greenskins in such detail, with such...fascination. But unfortunately, his curiosity wasn't going to last long.

Slannesh: - Well... Well... well. But just look who we have here. If it is none other than the champion of Atem III. -

Kanan: - What have you...? How is that? -

Slannesh: - Surprised? Don't worry, my little toy. Do not succumb to fear when you see my power. -

Kanan: - How come...? War! What happened to the war!? -

Slannesh: - Oh, my little toy. Don't worry about that. You are safe here... with me. -


Slannesh: - Oh, my little toy. Don't worry. Those stinking greenskins don't deserve your fabulous presence. -


Slannesh: - SILENCE! -

Her seductive attitude and sweet voice may have occasionally caused Kanan to forget who he was dealing with, but trying to impose one's will on the god of excess was never a good idea. Unlike the other chaos gods, Slannesh was the least patient, and nothing infuriated him more than an ant trying to look like a lion. Or at least that's how I saw God.

Kanan could also recognize danger by his simple presence. In an instant, he could feel Slaneesh's fury course through his body, and his instinct told him that it was best to stay silent if he wanted to get out of this alive. And at his correct conclusion, the god of excess was pleased and smiled.

Slannesh: - Don't be confused, my little toy. Unlike your aberrant tastes, I have no attachment to those disgusting creatures you call your troops. - He said while making a disgusted face. - Those filthy green beings that only think about killing each other will never understand true beauty. And speaking of beauty, just look at you. How does it feel the first time with that body? You know... What does the pain of the first wound in combat feel like? Isn't that a wonderful pleasure? -

Kanan: - You and I definitely do not have the same concept of pleasure. - Such a comment only caused a heavy sigh in the god.

Slannesh: - As always... as stoic as a stone. You're more boring than a decomposed corpse. But what can be done? Can't I force others to experience true pleasure if they themselves are not willing to feel it? -

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