Neil night (ch-3) 🔞🔞

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Neil completed his work . He called his secretary.

Knock knock.

There is knock on the door.

" Yes come in" Neil as shouted.

" Yes , khun Neil you called me" Jessica said.

" Hmm, if there is no emergency , then don't call me." Neil said.

" Okay, khun" Jessica said

" Mr Billy's secretary called me. He said that khun billy is not available for 3 days.
So khun Day had to stayed at mexico fir 6 days.

" No problem, I am sure that Day can handle this problem" Neil said and left the company.

Neil went to garage and sit in the car and drive towards his condo.

While driving Neil looked outside the car and noticed that black clouds apperad as if it is going to rain.

" It looks like it is going to rain." Neil murmmed softly.

He reached is condo around 4 pm. He take out his phone and called his high school friend.

" Hi tin, how are you. " Neil said.

" I am fine bastard, tell me how are you." Tin said as he received the call from his dear friend.

" Good,are you coming today. We already decided that today we take drinks together at my condo." Neil said in happy voice.

Tin take deep breath.

" Sorry buddy, I can't able to come" tin replied.

" But why" Neil asked.

" My mom tell me not to go. She said that it is going to rain, so it is not safe to drive ". Tin replied.

// I think he is right,when I am left the office ,it looked like it is going to rain.// Neil murmmed softly.

" okay no problem buddy, do as your mom told you to do." Neil replied as he respectd his friend's mother as his own mother.

" Sorry buddy." Tin apologized him.

" No don't say sorry I can understand " Neil replied. They talk for a while and then Neil hang up.

Then he called lucy to have some fun together but she said she can't able to come as she stuck in some personal problems.

Neil take out cigratee,lit it and started smoking.

He is hungry and he is too lazy to cook food so he decided to order food from his favourite restaurant...

" Yes...... luxury hub restaurant. I wanted to place order. Iwant grilled pork and fried rice. Kindly deliverd it as soon as possible." Then Neil hang up.


Night is at the restaurant . He delivered all his order. When he is about to go to home, restaurant owner call him.

" Listen Night, you have to deliverd one more order at this adress". Shop owner said and then he show the adress to night.

Neil' s adress is available on the app as well as his name also .

" Okay boss". Night said and take the screenshot of Neil adress and save it in his phone.

He waited for 20 minutes for the order.
When order is prepared he take it and left the restaurant to deliver it.

He came out of the restaurant,start his motorbike and then he left.

When he 2 km away to deliver it, suddenly it started raining.

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