Chapter 5

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When I thinks about what happened now while I sit in the garden and read book.some time passed and now I feel little better.

" itt,itt where are you.sun voice echoed.then he comes to me and take me to dinning table.

Sun: let's have lunch together. I asked papa and he said that he is busy, he can't eat with us. He said. I nodded. I don't know why I feels very good .

Then mr Vick prepare lunch for us on the dinning table and we all start eat lunch together.

Sun: do you have girlfriend itt, that's the reason that you don't hold my papa hand . He asked.

Itt: I don't have girlfriend sun. I already told you that I am straight and I don't like  to hold your papa hand. I asked. He nodded and keep his fork down.

Sun: what a crap. he said in irritated voice.. i get shocked when i eared this kind of word from his mouth

itt: sun, where you learened these kind of words. tese are not good words. it is not good to hear these kind of words from sweet child like you , understand. i said.

Sun: i have heared this from papa.he innocently answered without knowing the accurate meaning of the word.

itt:sun, promise me you didn't say these kind of words again. i said and bring my pinky finger. he smiled and also bring his pinky finger. i smiled and kis his hand softly.

then we start eating dinner. Sun stared at me as he wants to ask me some questions. i sighed lightly.

Itt: sun, do yo you want to ask something, hmm. i asked him polietly.

sun: nothing itt. he smiles softly.

Itt: please, i said softly. he smiles softly.

sun: where are you born, itt?

itt: i am born in austrialia. i replied.

Sun: so based on your looks you are mixed both,  am i right? he said softly. oh my god this kid  is so intelligent. i think in my heart.

itt: yes you are right, sun. he smile and continue eat his lunch.

sun: itt, you are very handsome and very charming. He said in serious tone.

Itt: thanks, you are also good looking sun. i replied with smile. he continously looking at me with serious face.

Sun: i am preety sure mr pom already warned you on very first Day when you came in the houuse, that yiu have to be very careful in the house. He said in serious tone. i get freezed and starts thinking that why he is saying something like that.

itt: what do you mean , sun. olease tell me seriiously.

Sun: ( sighed) .. it's nothing , but you have to be very careful while you stay here because of your look as you are preety handsome and attractive also. so i think to warn you. i warn you with good intentions . he stops and takes deep breath. i listen to him carefully. " i know my papa very well itt. he paused a little bit. i feel little scared as lot's of things come into my mind.

itt you have to be careful be..because  HANDSOME AND DASHING MAN ARE MY FATHER'S WEAKNESS. He said.

I get extremly shocked  from what i just heared. now i reliazed why mr vick and pom warned me on very first day. Why khun Day's subordinate warned me to leave the khun Day's office room immediately once i finished my work

Suddenly pom's warning starts echoing in my mind which he gave me on very first day// take care of yourself,itt i warn you//

i also understand why khun Day another bodyguard said me to never go near to khun Day's table when he sitted on the table and put the tray on side table not on his office table.

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