Chapter 13

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Day brings itt into the room and tied his hands with handcuff. Then he picked up the phone and call someone

" Hello, James today I will come office little late" Day said to his subordinate. Then he moves towards the bed where itt is sitting on the bed and his hands are tied with handcuffs. as Day sits beside Itt, itt get startled and tries to move backword. Then Day grabbed itt's neck and put his lips on itt's lips. Their tounges are interweined.

itt's whole body is shaking and Day can feel it. After kiss Day carried him to Bathroom and clean his whole body and then they take bath together. Then itt wears bathrobe and sits on the bed exhausted. " what should i do now, how can i run away from this mansion. Itt murmmerd

Day comes out from the bathroom and wears his suit as he is ready to go to his office. Then he leaves the room. Itt cries when he tries to stand up.He forced him self to stand up and and leaves Day's room and straightly goes to his room. When he removes bathrobe he can clearly see that there are marks on all over his body.

He sighed heavily but he knows that he can't do anything so he aceepted his destiny. Then he wears the cloths and go Downstairs and straightly goes to kitchen to eat some breakfast.

Mr vick:- Good morning itt, you wake up so late is everything alright. He asked woth little concern.

Itt:- Goodmorning Mr vick, No i am fine. listen iam hungry please give me breakfast. Itt replied as he hurriednly cahnged the topic.

Mr vick:- itt why you wear full sleeves and long neck shirt in this weather. He asked as weathere is very humid.

Itt: hmm, actually I am not feeling very well so I wear right now. Itt teplied in low voice. Then they talk for a while.

Then itt eats breakfast. The he do his routine work as usual.

Around 12 noon

Day works in his cabin . Suddenly his phone starts ringing. He picks up the phone.

Day's father: Hello child . How are you and how is work is going on. He asked.

Day: i am fine papa. Work is going perfect. Day said in normal tone. Then they talk for some time and they hang up the call and Day continues his work and some time passed and he returened back to home.

He gathers all his subordinates in the living are and tell them to clean the guest room as his father tell him that in eveing they will come in Day's mansion. Itt also heared." yes itt you gets oppournity to leave this mansion .." ITT thinks in his mind. Day lokks at itt's behaviour and he feels something suspicious. After that they all go to complete their remaining work.

around 6 pm Day's parents arrived with Sun. Day is sitting in the living area and reading the newspaper. Little figure runs towards Day and Day lifts his head and smiles.

Sun: papa , papa look i am back papa. You know i miss you a lot, papa. Sun tells to his father.

Day: i also miss you a lot kiddo. Day replied in soft tone and attack Sun's face with kisses and sun is giggling." hee, heee papa" sun said. Day's parents also come inside with bags and gifts . Day hugged them and they sut in the living area and starts talking.

Day's father:  i heared that you hired babay sitter for sun, Day. he replied and Day nodded.

Day's mother: yes son, sun talks about him a lot, so we wants to meet him. She replied and sun immediately say

Sun: yes papa , where is itt, i want to meet him as i miss him a lot. As he finishes his sentence, Sun screams happily " ittttttttt" and runs towards itt , As itt comes from kitchen. itt also get happy and he hugged him.

Sun takes itt's hands and take him to his grandparents.

Sun: grandpapa , granny, This is itt to whom i tell you about. Sun say in happy tone. ITT gretted them.

Day's mother: hello itt , Do you feel good with sun? does he bothers you.She asked.

Itt: no mam, sun is very sweet and intellegent child. He doesn't bothered me at all. ITT said.

Day's father.:so how you feel  working here? HE asked.

Itt: i feel very good while working here  sir and now i starts feeling comfortable here. He saif in low voice. Then Day's parents asks more about itt and asked him about his parents but he tells them they died when he was 18 years old. They feel bad for him also.

now itt are sitting with Day's parents alone ad Day and sun are talking on the other couch, When itt gets chance he tries to tell them what Day did to him.

" sir mam actually i want to tel....." itt's words are imterupted by Day. Fourtunately Day's parents didn;t listened as itt said in low voice. Mom Dad let's go to table and have dinner, Day say as he intruppted Itt and see at itt wirh feirce glance. Then Day exuesed himself. Itt exused himself before to go to kitchen to tell mr vick to prepare dinner. As he entered un kitchen he dragged by Day as Daydragged him into small room.

Day: itt, what are you trying to Do , itt. Day asked him in harsh voice.

Itt: i didn't understand what are you talking about, Khun. he said , pretending to don't understand what Day is talking about.  Day put his hand on back of itt's neck and crashed his hot lips on Itt's lips. At first itt protested him, but his force is useless in front of Day.

Day bites itt's lips very hard and itt opens his mouth and Day yastes itt's oral cavity and their tounges interweined, Day's kiss itt very hard as his lips are swalloen and there are bite marks, Ittt feels burning sensation around lips. blood also starts flowing.

Day: Do you Dare to tell my parent's again , itt. He said and press his lips hard on cite marks and let blood flowing." AHHHHHHH" Iam sorry Da....:" it's khun Day, Itt, you loose all rights to call me that itt, Now you are my slave and don't think about  run away , understand itt. Day asked in harsh tone ." i..i understand. itt said in low voice, Day then leaves the room and itt starts crying.Now he relliazing that he shoudn't agreed with nick's idea at first place.

// sorry guys for late update, as i busy in my practicals//

*to be continued*

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