Chapter 17

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Day smirked and looked at itt. " What did you said,haaan,. He said in low voice.

Itt: i.. said i want to resign, i didnt want to work here khun Day....  He said in trembling voice.

Day: Itt  come and sit  on the couch. Day said him in serious voice. Itt hestitaley walk towards Day and sits on the couch, besides Day's chair. 

Day: itt, Did you read the entire contract carefully before sigining the contract.  He said in low voive. ITT get confused . He didn't understand why Day asked this question. 

Itt: Yes, k.khun Day .: He Said in low and trembling voice. Day smiles and  pickes up the file and remove paper and handed over to itt.

Day: opened last page and read lastparagraph,itt. He said. Itt takes contract with trembling hands and reads it.


Itt get numb when he read the last paragraph. He didn't know what to say. His hands are shaking. Now he is totally blank.

Day: Now you read it by yourself  what is written on last paragrph. tell me, even now you stay with your decission, itt. He said with little laugh.

Itt: K..hun , i am orphan . i hardely managed to pay rent. I cannot afford to pay you this amount of money. He replied in shaking voice.

Day: itt if you want to resgined it, then it's up to you. Pay this amount and you are free. If you can't afford to pay this amount, then you have to stay here for 6 months as my slave. If you try to run away in my absence or asked for help from anyone ,you can't even imagine what will happened to you.

Itt:khu..khun okay i agreed with 2 condition. he said in low voice. Day laughs in his throat. Day take ring from his pocket which he gave itt before but he took back when he found that itt betrayed him with meen. He put ring on itt's ring finger.

Day: now this ring always remained you that iam your owner and you are my salve. Don't even think about running away,itt. He said in firm voice.


There is knocking on the door. "yes come in." Day commanded. " boss.   your secratery calls me he says that you have important meeting with our special clients." Day's subordinate said. Day stands up from the chair. 

Day" take my bags and important files and put it into the car. He commanded and leaves the room without even looking at the itt. His suborditante takes day's bag and files and he also leaves the room. Now itt is sitting alone in the roomand crying on his fate.

He had no other option but to accept Day's condition. Even He cannot go to meen because she left itt for his hapiness and well being. He kept crying untill he get satisfied.

Another 1 week passed. 

Now itt  lives in the mansion as Day's slave.  Day used to have sex with itt, whenever and wherever he wanted. Day also forced itt to sleep in his room. 

Around 7 pm , Day's phone starts ringing. " ahhhhhh.. what the fuck, whose call has come. " Day groaned as he is intruppted.  Day is fucking the the itt. 

Day: Hello neil, tell me what happened, why you intrupted me. He said in iriitaed voice.

Neil:  nothin, actually gear just called me half n hour ago, he said that he wanted meet you, so i want to ask you where should we meet.Neil asked in calm voice.  while talking with neil Day continously thursting is hips,. As for itt he cannot make any noise because Day covered his  mouth with ball gag.

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