Chapter 29

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Once me and Luke got to my dorm to get Quinn and Jack we decided to get a late lunch. Luca and I almost finished our project but we still have two slides left. I'm glad we decided to work together cause it made this project bearable

"So b how's the love life," Quinn says but just as it comes out his mouth Luke is slapping him on the head.

" Nice going idiot," Luke mumbles

I ignore the little moment, " currently nonexistent." I say before unwrapping a straw and putting it in my dr. pepper. The boys look at me as if they are trying to read my mind.

" what about Luca," Luke immediately asks

" what about him?" I play it off

Luke rolls his eyes across the table," you guys were studying in his room and have been getting close recently.

" Luke nothing is going on between us. We wanted quiet so we went to his room and his my best friend the feelings are platonic."

Jack gives Luke a warning looking as if to say watch what you say next kind of thing. I appreciate Jack and Quinn not coming at my head like Luke is. Now I know why he's been weird towards Luca.

"My teammates are off limits I don't need a breakup messing up the whole team and friendships get broke okay? He says

"Okay geez," I say quietly wanting to stop this confrontation. I mean it's not like Luca likes me back.

A couple of hours later

We have been walking around the university letting Quinn remember his college days. It wasn't really fun but it was nice for all of us to be together. I was getting tired so I told the boys to drop me off.

As I got out of eyeslight of them I started to think about myself and Lucas's study date. I mean hang out. There were a couple of times I noticed him staring at me but I never said anything fearing my feelings would come out. We got a little too close at times and somehow we both played it off like nothing happened.

I swipe my key to get into my room. I was all alone tonight. My mind started to race after also remembering what luke told me. What if I can't stop how I'm feeling? What if Luke or even Luca finds out I like him? I began to get overwhelmed and my hands started to shake. Tears slowly streamed down my face.

I wanted to call Jack but I can't know he's with Luke. I picked up my phone and decided to call mom.

"hey honey," I hear her voice

I hesitated to speak," Bella you there?"

"yeah," I say in a soft tone

"honey, whats the matter?"

"Everything is too much right now. Hockey, Luke, and a new crush." I just flat out said the crush part thinking she would get out the real reason somehow.

" ohh honey, I need you to breathe and explain so I can help."

I take a deep breath," One: Hockey is going amazing but Mom what if no one likes me due to me not scoring much in a game? Cause I know I don't average 4 goals a night. I can't let what happened and the other rink happen. It destroyed me. Second: Luke. He is great and all but recently he's been acting weird and overprotective for no reason. Like if I'm with Luca he stares him down like he did something.3: Luca. He's my best friend other than my brother's mom. I've developed feelings towards him and am too afraid of telling him. What if he doesn't feel the same? Will our friendship be the same or get ruined? What if the guys end up hating me if Luca and I break up? Luke flat-out told me today I am not allowed to date anyone on the team. He doesn't even know anything and yet he had to tell me right as I figured out my feelings towards Luca. I can't mom!"

I break down. I just can't deal with all these emotions right now. It feels nice telling someone how I'm feeling but it's nothing that she can fix.

"Baby listen to me. You are Bella Hughes. You are human and Hockey isn't your identity you hear me? If people can't accept that you are human too are they your fans? Your teammates love you honey don't push them away cause of your fear of what happened. Your brother is just stupid. You are his little sister and loves you so much. He might think he's trying to protect you or even protect himself if something were to happen. On that note, Bella you need to at least tell Luca how your feeling it's eating you up alive. Ignore your brother I will talk to him. He is worried about a possible situation if you and Luca were to break up or any of the boys. He comes from a good place he's just showing it to wrong way okay?"

I sniffle," Thank you, momma."

"of course honey. why didn't you call Jack or Quinn before you called me? Aren't they on campus?"

" They are with Luke as we speak they just dropped me off. I don't want luke to hear or the boys to drop everything to be with me and leave Luke very suspicious."

"ohh I see. Well, I love you honey and I'll talk with Luke okay?"

"Okay, I love you too."

I hung up the phone and just sat there. Should I listen to her advice? I don't know. I eventually wiped the remaining tears and got up to take a shower. Man, I hate crying it makes me exhausted afterward. I'm glad I'm alone so I was able to let go and tell my mom everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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