chapter 11

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Hey yall!

I need ideas for what you want the story to be. I somewhat know what I want to do when the draft and stuff comes around, but until then, I have no idea of what to write.


It's been two days, and as you can guess, we have a game today. Great. I haven't still told my brothers( Quinn and luke) and parents. Luke got home Sunday night from his away game. He won very proudly of him. He got a hat trick !!! 

Usually, bailey comes over on game days, but that's not happening for a while or even never happing again. I could tell my family, other than jack, was getting suspicious about the bailey problem. 

The night the whole thing went down at practice. Quinn and Jack slept over in my room. We had a little sleepover, and I could tell jack wanted to comfort me without saying anything to Quinn, so he made it seem like the sleepover was just for fun. I love doing that every so often with them. It just makes me happy and makes me go to bed happy,

I am currently lying in bed, dreading getting up. Tonight is a home game, so we don't have to travel or anything; the game is at 6 pm. I am on my phone scrolling through TikTok. I woke up about 30 mins ago. 

Someone knocked on my door. 

"come in," I said 

I looked up from my phone, and it was lukey slowly opening the door.

" wassup lukey," I said with a slight smile and cuddled into my blankets more.

" hey, bells," he says softly and closes the door behind him. He walks over to my bed, jumps on my bed, and sits leaning against the headboard.

I turned over, so I was facing him.

" I just wanted to see if you were awake yet since it 9," he says 

I smile and say," I have been awake for 45 minutes." 

" you nervous about today," he says, looking down at me.

I know he is referring to the drama with the team and bailey. He could tell I was nervous about something, but I don't see how he could tell.

I nod, wrapping my arms around his stomach while still lying down. He sighs and starts rubbing my back.

" do you want to talk about it," he says

"kinda, but not really, if you know what I mean. I know that if I keep it in, something could happen later..." I say referring towards an attack or a breakdown."I also don't want to talk about any more drama. There is always something new every other day, as in the past week. I want to go at least a week without an attack or crying."

He continued rubbing my back, and he nodded his head. I swear my brothers are like my therapist. They say they don't care, but I feel like they do, and they want to make me happy.

He replied," I understand, Bella. I don't get why girls are always petty and rude these days. Like your sweetest, most loving person I know, it sucks watching them tear you down and make you feel less about yourself." 

"yeah," I say, sighing and deciding to sit up. I was ironically in luke's shirt, which is oversized on me, and a pair of shorts.

I look at him and hug him. He hugs me back and rubs my back.

" Nice shirt," he says, chuckling.

"Thank you," I say, releasing from the hug to show off the shirt. I was giggling. There is no day when these boys don't make me laugh or smile.

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