Captain of the City Watch - LotR - Boromir x Reader

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The battle for Minas Tirith was won; yet the joy of victory over the forces of evil, was overshadowed by the numbers that had been lost, and the notion that even though the battle was over, the war was yet to be won. Though as the dust slowly settled, it did mean that the Fellowship had a chance to find Pippin and Gandalf. All hoping that the pair had come through the fight, as unscathed as possible. Yet as Aragorn, Merry, Legolas, Gimli and Boromir made their way along the streets of the damaged city of men; it was obvious that Boromir's mind was elsewhere. Most of the others just presuming that he feared for his brother, his father; yet Aragorn felt it was something more.

Throughout their travels, Boromir had never really spoke of those he had left behind when he had journeyed to Rivendell, so long before; other than the occasionally mention of his younger sibling, Faramir. Yet on certain nights, Aragorn would catch the High Warden of the White Tower looking into the fire, with a faraway look in his eye. A look that Aragorn knew that he would sport himself, every time that he would let his thoughts drift to Arwen. But as much as he had wanted to ask Boromir about it; to perhaps share any burden that may be weighing heavily on the other man's heart, he had thought better of it; sure, that if the roles had been reversed and Boromir had come to sit by his side and started to speak to him about such things, he would claim that it was nothing. Aragorn choosing instead, to leave it to the Captain of the White Tower to talk about whatever took his mind to somewhere else, when it felt right. Yet Boromir had always kept things close to his chest. Though now that the white tower loomed over them, an anxiety seemed to have taken over the older son of Denethor. Legolas and Gimli looking over to Aragorn, as the other man jumped from his horse and quickly made his way over to some soldiers wearing the colours of Gondor. The soldiers standing to attention as they recognised the captain.

"What's he sayin..........?" Gimli suddenly asked the elf in front of him. Legolas turning his attention to the group of men.

"He is asking if the others have seen the Captain of the City Watch." Legolas explained. It obvious to the elf that given Boromir's tone, he was highly concerned for this Captain. So concerned that Legolas felt uncomfortable for listening to his friend speak about them. All of them watching, as the soldiers shook their heads, and Boromir's shoulders dropped. The man slowly making his way back over to his horse. His face seeming to have drained of all its colour, as he reached for the reins.

"Boromir, what.........?" Aragorn began. The rest of his words unable to be spoken, as seemingly out of nowhere, a figure dressed in Gondorian armour emerged from the rubble. Even Legolas appearing to be taken by surprise, as the person stormed over to Boromir, and before he could say anything, punched him on the jaw, sending him crashing to his backside.

"STOP!" The downed son of Denethor called out, as his friends reached for their weapons. Holding up the hand that was not currently nursing his aching jaw. Boromir smiling as he looked at the soldier in front; sure, that he had never been happier to see anyone in his life. Though given the punch, he had feeling that at that moment, the same could not be said for the person in front of him. The others watching on in disbelief as the soldier removed their helmet and long hair cascaded down over their shoulders, before the helm was thrown unceremoniously to the side.

"(Y/n). I can............"

"What? Explain? Pippin told me everything. You nearly died Boromir. Do you have any idea of how I would have felt if you had left this world? You told me not to worry. You promised me that you would return.........."

"And I have.........." Boromir interrupted, hoping to appease the woman before him. But he knew that he should have known better.

"Do not dare to try and make light of this, Boromir. You are lucky that I only punched you..........."

"Er.........." A voice came. The woman turning to look at the man on horseback that had dared to interrupt her rant. Aragorn smiling at the incredibly beautiful woman that was glaring up at him.

"I don't mean to interrupt; but, Boromir, who.............?" The Ranger asked, as Boromir slowly got to his feet and came up behind the woman. Placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, I should perhaps explain. This is (Y/n); the Captain of the City Watch, betrothed..........." The High Warden announced with a proud smile.

"Betrothed? You think I would still marry you after you nearly left me in this world, alone?" (Y/n) countered, as she turned back to look at Boromir.

"Why would I do something so foolish..........?" She continued. Boromir slowly reaching his hand up so that he could rest it on her cheek.

"Because you love me; and I love you." Boromir replied. His smile growing, as he saw the angry fire behind her beautiful eyes, slowly extinguish.

"I will never stop loving you." He added, as he brushed his thumb softly across her skin. The older son of the Steward of Gondor, suddenly finding himself pulled into a kiss. A kiss that he had been thinking about since he had left Gondor; a kiss that had thought he would never get to experience again. His arms making their way down to her waist, so that he could pull (Y/n) as close as he physically could, while he deepened the kiss. The others looking at one another, as the pair seemed to have forgotten about them and everything else. Legolas nodding, as Aragorn gestured that they should perhaps leave. For proper introductions and the war could wait until later. Yet this moment........this moment could not. 

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