No objections - Gotham - Harvey Dent x Reader

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"Objection, your Honour. Council is leading the witness. And I fail to see where this line of questioning is taking us. Mister Dent is just going over and over the same things. How many times does the jury have to hear that my client drinks, and is a womaniser? And has in the past, been involved with some well-known criminals? If all those things are crimes, your Honour, then I would suggest that many people in this court, and in every other court room in this very building, are also guilty. I could name a number of attorneys, and indeed judges, who........ " (Y/n) said, as she stood up from her desk. Harvey turning from the witness, to look at the opposing council.

"Objection sustained. Mister Dent, we have already heard from a number of your witnesses about the defendant's character. I fail to see why we need another one. So, unless you have any more questions for your witness that will shed any further light on your case. Then may I suggest..........."

"Yes, your Honour. My apologies. I have no further questions." Harvey replied. Apologising to the court before returning to his desk. The Assistant District Attorney not failing to notice the smug look on the defence council and her clients faces. Though, despite hating to admit it, Harvey could happily look at (Y/n)'s face, smug or not, all day if he could.

Even though they were two, opposing sides of the legal system. He fighting for what he saw as justice and the people of Gotham. And she, fighting to keep some of the city's worst criminals out of prison, Harvey couldn't help but be enamoured. (Y/n) was one of the best, if not the best defence attorney in Gotham. Her highly priced services, called on by many of the metropolises' most dangerous crime lords whenever they found themselves in a sticky situation. And despite all his best work, her record of keeping her clients from a life behind bars, was quite exemplary.

Harvey had known (Y/n) since law school. And even though she had chosen to defend those that he wished to see taken off the streets, she was not corrupt like so many of their peers in the great dark city. She just saw that everyone, no matter what, deserved the best defence possible. That if her clients were really guilty of the crimes that had resulted in them finding themselves in court, that it was the prosecutor's job to prove that case beyond a reasonable doubt. If they couldn't do that, then her client went free. And that was how the legal system, for good or bad, worked.

Dent couldn't help but look over at her as she and her latest client spoke quietly. The man was one of Galavan's many associates. A man that was facing a murder charge. And even though Harvey and Jim Gordon were sure that he was guilty, the best that Harvey had, was a circumstantial case. And (Y/n) knew it. The defence attorney seeming to know every one of his arguments, every one of his lines of questioning, before he had even had a chance to open his mouth. Countering them all, perfectly.

Yet despite knowing that he was probably going to lose the case, Harvey couldn't help but smile to himself. There was something about (Y/n) when they were opposing one another in court, that made his heart race. She brought out the best in him. Made him fight harder. Pushed him all the way. And he loved the thrill that it gave him. It was like a drug. And win, lose or draw, he knew that he would always go back for more. That he would always go back to (Y/n), for more.

"Do you have any questions for the witness, Miss (Y/l/n)?" The judge asked. (Y/n) standing respectfully.

"No, your Honour. I have no questions."

"Very well. If that is all. The jury and I will hear closing statements tomorrow at 10am. Court adjourned." The judge announced. The entire court rising to its feet, as the old man stood from his chair and left the court. The jury slowly filing out, as (Y/n)'s client was escorted from the court by the bailiffs, to the holding cells below the room in which they stood. Harvey watching as (Y/n) packed her papers into her case, and quietly left the room.


"And where have you been? I thought that you had forgotten all about me." (Y/n) said with a soft chuckle, as she heard the door to her office creep open.

"Well, I had to get you a bottle of Champagne. We both know that despite my best efforts, I can't imagine that my closing statements will make any difference to the jury's decision." A soft voice replied. (Y/n) smiling as she finally looked up from her paperwork, to see the handsome dark haired man before her. The handsome man that she had been waiting to see.

"Are you conceding defeat already, Mister Assistant District Attorney? That's not like you, Dent. Are you feeling quite alright? Don't tell me that you are giving up on our little fight before the end?" (Y/n) asked, as she reached into her desk draw and pulled out two glasses. Moving to the other side of the table so that she could sit right in front of Assistant DA. Harvey feeling his heart beat faster as (Y/n)'s skirt moved higher up her legs. The buttons on her crisp white shirt, opened to the point where he could glimpse the beautifully rounded flesh beneath. Flesh that he wanted to touch. To taste. Flesh that was his.

"Not defeat, no. I'm still going to do everything I can to get your client off the streets, tomorrow, (Y/n). I just thought that as I was coming here anyway, that I would get you drunk and then sneak a peek at your closing arguments." Harvey smiled, as he popped the cork on the bottle of sparkling wine. Nearly spilling the liquid on the floor as (Y/n) stood and pressed herself against him. Her teeth biting seductively on her bottom lip as she looked deep into his dark eyes.

"You want a sneak peek at my closing arguments? Come now, Harvey. I can think of much better things that I would like you to take a peek at. And you've never had to get me drunk to get a look at them before." (Y/n) giggled, as she placed the glasses on the table, before snaking her arms around his neck. Harvey putting the bottle down next to the glasses and wrapping one of his arms around (Y/n)'s waist. His other hand slipping up under her skirt. (Y/n) gasping as Harvey began to kiss her neck.

"Well, I have no objections to that. As long as you don't, (Y/n)." Harvey hummed, as he pushed (Y/n) back onto the desk. The Assistant District Attorney sweeping off all of the things on the table, onto the floor as pressed (Y/n)'s back onto the old oak surface. Harvey moving (Y/n)'s skirt up higher, so that he could place her leg around him. His lips never leaving her skin, as he felt her body tremble beneath his.

"Oh, I have no objections. No objections at all, counsel." (Y/n) replied breathlessly. Harvey knowing that whether he won or lost in court tomorrow. Right here, and right now, as (Y/n) tore at his shirt, desperately trying to get at the body beneath the material, that he was a winner. And he had no objections to that. No objections at all.    

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