Angel in a clown costume - Joker - Arthur Fleck x Reader

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You had always thought Arthur Fleck was amazing. In a city full of sin, vice corruption, death, and violence, Arthur was a light, a beacon of hope for anyone who opened their hearts and minds enough to see it. Arthur's job as a clown brought smiles to the faces of sick children, and to the odd member of Gotham's populace that hadn't been dragged down completely by the dark and dismal city.

Arthur had been your light for nearly a year now. The relationship in the beginning had been difficult; he could be painfully shy and didn't much like going out because of his condition, so conventional dating had been out of the question, meaning that you would spend most of your time together in his apartment or yours, watching TV and movies or talking about anything either of you could think of until you fell asleep in his arms on the sofa. You didn't mind really, the more you got to know him the more you wanted to be with him, just him, so quiet nights in became the best nights.

As you sat on the dingy sofa in his apartment snuggled into his side, his arm laid lazily across your shoulders watching some silly show on his TV, Arthur let out a deep sigh.

"(Y/n), do you love me?" Arthur asked out of the blue, causing you to sit up and look at him.

"Of course, I do Arthur. What on earth would make you ask a question like that?" You asked, concerned that he wouldn't meet your gaze.

Arthur shrugged. "Its just that you could do so much better than me; you're a schoolteacher and I'm just a clown, your clever and I'm and idiot, your beautiful and I'm ugly. I'm just trying to understand why you would want to be with a guy like me when you could have anyone you wanted. I saw that creep Tony ogling you at the school fundraiser when he though me and Gary were too busy performing for the kids. Hell, he even came over and told me I didn't deserve you and I should just do you a favour and leave you." He said, burying his head in his hands.

"Maybe he's right, maybe you would be better off if I did leave." Arthur said, sniffing back the tears that were threatening to escape.

Your blood was boiling, and you had no idea who to be mad at first. "Firstly Arthur, the next time I see Tony I am going to twist that empty head of his off his neck, how dare he even think about saying things like that to you. You are more of a man than that creepy perv could ever be. Now let's deal with the fact that you have been letting Randall wheedle his way into your head again and filling it with all manner of bullshit. When are you going to stop listening to that idiot? You, are the most wonderful, perfect, clever, handsome and loving man that I have ever met in my entire life; I love you for everything you are, and everything you do." You say as you place your hands on either side of his face, raising it up so that he is looking into your eyes.

"You make me feel safe, and happy, and cared for; I know you love me with all your heart, and would never do anything to hurt me, what more could any woman ask for? And I love that you're a clown, when you were Carnival at the fundraiser, I watched all the faces of those kids light up with absolute joy; even those with the toughest lives became kids again when you and Gary were performing. I can't do that as a teacher, but you can do that, and you do it better than anyone I have ever seen. Never downplay what you do Arthur, to be able to bring joy to hearts, and smiles to faces is a gift, and believe me when I say that you have been gifted by the gods." Looking into his eyes, you couldn't help but want to take all his demons away; all the doubts and self-loathing, all the fear and confusion, if you could take them on as your own you would, because god knows Arthur didn't deserve any of those negative feelings.

"D-d-do you really mean that (Y/n)?" He asked, as a lone tear fell down his slender cheek.

"I mean everything and more Arthur, I don't want anyone else, because no one even comes close to you. You Arthur Fleck, are my angel in a clown costume, and I wouldn't change you for all the money, gold and diamonds in the world." You say, as your lips met his in a tender loving kiss.

"I love you (Y/n)." He said, as he looked deep into your eyes.

"And I love you my angel." You said, rising to your feet, and pulling him up to join you.

"Come on, for once let's sleep in the bed rather than on the sofa." You chuckle, leading the way to the bedroom.

"As long as angels are allowed to cuddle with schoolteachers, then we can sleep wherever you like (Y/n)."

As you walked into the bedroom, and Arthur pulled you into his arms, you could see his light shine brighter than ever. 

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