Penguin's sister - Gotham - Victor Zsasz x Reader

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Victor stared down at the woman curled up asleep in his arms, the bed was warm, and for once Victor felt that he didn't have to be the feared assassin, instead he was just enjoying being a simple man; but he knew that if Penguin ever found out that he was sleeping with his little sister, then there was going to be hell to pay.

Victor had met (Y/n) Cobblepot when Oswald brought her to live in the mansion with him, and it was more than obvious that the king of Gotham doted on the dark haired beauty that was his sister.

"My precious." Oswald said, calling (Y/n) to him, as Victor came into the room.

"(Y/n) I would like you to meet a friend of mine, Victor Szasz; Victor I would like you to meet my precious little sister (Y/n)." Oswald declared happily, smiling as (Y/n) shook a shocked Victor's hand.

Victor couldn't help but stare at (Y/n) and then at Oswald, if Penguin hadn't just told him that they were related, then Victor would never have believed it. Like Oswald, (Y/n)'s hair was jet black, but unlike her brother, her hair was sleek and long, and fell all the way down to the small of her back. Her eyes were stunningly green, and to say that she was beautiful, would be doing the woman a disservice.

Victor felt her grip his hand tightly, as she stared at him, her tongue slowly licking her lips as she spoke.

"So, you are the infamous Szasz? It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Ossie has told me so much about you." (Y/n) said, smiling as Victor raised her hand to his lips, and kissed her knuckles softly.

"I assure you that it is more than my pleasure to meet you miss Cobblepot." Victor hummed softly, before Oswald pulled his sister to him.

"(Y/n) will be staying with us from now on Victor, and I would like you to watch over her when I can't be here; I can't have anything happening to my precious one." Oswald said, not noticing the looks that were occurring between the assassin and his sister.

As the days turned into weeks, it became obvious that Oswald's little sister, was anything but innocent; admittedly around her brother she would act as though she was the sweetest little thing, but when she and Victor where anywhere near one another, it was a different story. It began with her simply brushing her hand over his, smiling innocently as she pretended that it had been an accident; but as Victor found himself flirting more and more with the younger Cobblepot, he noticed that the simple touches turned into the pair brushing their bodies against one another in corridors, or (Y/n) would ghost her lips over his ear, as she would lean over him to reach for something; but the simple flirtation was about to become something far more serious.

Victor spun around, pointing his gun at the person that was clapping their hands behind him. "Very impressive Victor: but please, I assure you that I am unarmed." (Y/n) said, smiling as she turned around to show him that she didn't have a gun.

Victor had been practicing for what felt like hours, but he was still shocked that (Y/n) had been able to sneak up on him so easily.

"You know, you are very good with that." (Y/n) told him, taking the gun from Victor's hand, and examining it.

"But you know, no matter how good you are, there is always someone better." (Y/n) said, before suddenly turning and shooting at the target, that single bullet she fired passing through the same hole that Victor's shot had made, dead in the centre of the bullseye.

(Y/n) smiled as she saw the slight look of shock on Victor's face.

"Very impressive miss Cobblepot, does your dear brother know that you can do that?" Victor asked, as he took the gun from her hands.

"What Oswald doesn't know, doesn't hurt Oswald; there are many things that I can and do, do, that he has no idea about." (Y/n) said with a chuckle, as she picked up one of the other guns in front of them and began to look it over.

"I'm sure there is." Victor said with a smile, as he moved closer to her.

"Why are you here (Y/n)." He asked, watching as she began to stroke the barrel of the gun suggestively.

"Well, you know how my darling brother said that you were to take care of me while he wasn't here?" (Y/n) asked, as she drew close enough to Victor that her chest was now pressed to his.

"Yes." Victor said calmly, even though his heart was in his mouth.

"Well, Oswald isn't here, and I was hoping that you would like to come and take care of me." (Y/n) said, as she slowly snaked her arms around his neck, her lips brushing lightly against his.

Within an instant, Victor had her pinned up against the wall, kissing her neck feverishly as the two tore at the other's clothes, before falling to the floor, where Victor had ensured that he took very good care of his charge.

Victor was surprised that their relationship had stayed secret for so long, especially given the fact that every opportunity they had, one of them would pull the other into an empty room, where a heated make out session would occur until, Oswald, or someone else, called for one of them; and the long nights were spent together in (Y/n)'s bed.

"Good morning handsome." (Y/n) said softly, as she looked up at Victor, her fingers absentmindedly drawing circles on his naked torso.

"Morning my queen." Victor said, leaning down to kiss her softly.

"You do know that one of these mornings we are going to get found out don't you." Victor said, brushing his fingers through (Y/n)'s long hair.

"Let them, love; I don't care who knows." (Y/n) said, pulling Victor into a long kiss.

"Good morning (Y/n), I was wond........." Oswald began, as he walked into (Y/n)'s room, only stopping when he saw his assassin holding his beloved sister's naked form to him, in her bed.

"I am going to kill you Victor." Penguin said angrily, as he pulled out a gun from under his jacket.

"OSWALD STOP!" (Y/n) shouted, as she wrapped herself in a sheet, and stood between her brother and her lover.

"But.... but (Y/n), he was supposed to protect you, not do this." Oswald growled, trying to move the gun so that he could get a better shot at Victor.

"Oswald Cobblepot! You are not going to shoot Victor." (Y/n) said defiantly as she continued to stand in front of her brother.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't." Oswald said, trying to push (Y/n) out of the way.

"I have the best reason." (Y/n) told him, as she walked beck to the bed, sitting down next to Victor, and taking his hand in hers.

"You can't kill the man I love, Oswald; I would never forgive you." (Y/n) boldly told her brother, as she smiled at her assassin.

Oswald sighed, and slowly dropped the gun. "Well Victor, do you have similar feelings for my sister that she obviously has for you?" Oswald asked, watching as Victor nodded, never taking his eyes off (Y/n).

"Fine." Oswald huffed, stumbling back slightly as (Y/n) flew into his arms.

"Thank you so much Ossie, you really are the best brother in the world." (Y/n) said, kissing Oswald, before she began to push him from her room.

"Now if you don't mind, you interrupted something." (Y/n) chuckled, as Oswald groaned, the door being shut behind him.

Oswald looked down at the gun in his hand, as he heard (Y/n) giggle on the other side of the door. He may have promised not to shoot him now, but if Victor ever hurt his sister, then it would be open season on bald assassins. 

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