"She was in our billing department as well," He adds, looking very annoyed by just ralling about her, "She...I'm so sorry to say this but she had a crush on you from what we learned about her," I was taken aback, flattered but taken aback by her behaviour, "When she heard about you leaving, she wouldn't believe that you just moved away, she got jealous, cunning, and started to steal from us as well,"

"How much?" He looked at Anastasia, both of them trying to remember how much she stole, "Over a million, but she paid it all back." He said, "Where is she now?" I look to them both, "Since Roman didnt want to take any legal action and just wanted her gone he fired her," Anastasia stands up, "But then, she didnt stop, she came back for more." My brows drew together, "More what?" They both shruged their shoulders not knowing the reason either.

"Then, we initially filed a restraining order against her, so she wasn't allowed to come any where near us or the business." That was good to hear, this brich sounded like she was an only cjild and craved for attention,"That's good, she sounds like a complete fucking psycho," Julian gives a knowing look, relating to my words.

"Wel..." Anastasia trails on, implying more to the story, "She came back again, disguising herself to have a meeting with Roman and when I came down to get her that's when I recognised her, I called Julian and, that was it. That was her last straw before they threw her in jail." I sat back down, needing a drink right now, "Jesus. That's sounds cra-" I hear my phone buzzing in my pocket, knowing exactly who that was.

"What time is it?" I sigh, resting my head in my hand, "It's 6:10 Ms Johnson," I pick my head up and reach the back of my jeans for my phone.

I'm waiting.

When I read the text I feel my heart sink, knowing he is 20 minutes early and he is there, already waiting for me, "I have somewhere else to be. Thank you both for telling me I'm so happy to see everything and you two again," I give Anastasia a hug as well as Julian, taking my coffee I walk out of my office, "Anastasia please send this tumbler back to my home, and some food to Roman as well, and you guys can leave, as well as any otber guards that are here Julian." I enter the lift with Julian inside.

"We're very happy to have you back Ms Johnson, and I hope that trip to Bali really helped with whatever instigated it," We step out, I turn around to face him, "It did, thank you. I'm very happy to be back, please say hi to your family for me," He nods and opens the door for me.

"Now, let's go meet him." I walk over to my car, putting my coffee in the cup holder and switching my car on. "I'm dreading meeting this bustard." I reverse out onto the road and drive away.


It was late when I arrived. The damn traffic made me a whole 30 minutes later but I wasn't afraid that he left I was afraid that he was still waiting for me.

I parked my car close incase I needed to escape quickly because who knows what he has up his sleeve. I doubt he is here just to meet me, something is up and I know it.
I walk out in the cold night, stuffing my hands in my pockets, my phone is tightly kept inside my bra, just incase they try to anything on me I'll have it to call Roman.

I couldn't see much, only each bench that was spotlighted with a lamppost right next to them. I told him to sit far in the park so no one could see us, just him and I were going to be out here. No one else.

"I thought you'd never show up, but, you have my blood so I kmew you wouldn't back out." I chuckle darkly and his words. I don't say anything until I sat down next to him, sitting on the other side of the bench and rest my arm on the armrest, breathing in and breathing out, "What? The cold sealed that snapping tongue of yours?" He spoke again, as eager as I was to get up and leave without saying a word I stood my ground.

I cleared my throat, "Be careful wouldn't want another heart attack now," His chuckle is low, full of humour that he found in my words, thinking I was joking even though I hoped he did have another heart attack. Do you though? Do you wish he died?

"Don't worry. Your doctor made sure I wasn't going to get sick again after keep me there for weeks on end." My face flew in shock, how did he know this? I thought we kept everything tightly wrapped, "Nothing gets past me my daughter, when it comes to you, I know everything," He sniffs, his body shifting to face me.

"But, what I didn't expect was the call from you, I didn't even know you remembered my number,"

"After having to dial it every time I have to get in contact with you it wasn't a difficult one to forget."

"So, are you going to tell me why you asked me to meet you here, without your significant other? Or is he lurking somewhere here?"

"He isn't lurking and no he doesn't know I'm here. Better yet, do you know where he is?" He stays silent and I know what that silence means, "I'm surprised you haven't said anything about me letting you go, how is my daughter doing now that she is free from me? Now that she is with her husband again?" I turn to face him, seeing him already looking at me.

"You knew where I went Kai, it was just a matter of time to get me alone for you to snatch me right up again," He sighs and shrugs his shoulders, "I won't lie, Roman kept a good eye on you this time around, didn't let you out of his sight." His words made me happy, however, worried me because that explained how he was there, still hiding in the dark and watching me.

"You're fucking sick, watching us all this time and for what? Thinking that's how you'd be closer to me," I shake my head and grin an evil smile, "No, because you and I will never be one big happy fucking family, you and I will always be the duo who tried to kill one another."

My Everything | 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora