Hounddog Mcbrag

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Jay: What subject?!

Fugi-Dove: How to repair our relationship in the wake of you becoming a criminal!

Jay: I'm not becoming a criminal!

Fugi-Dove: If you're really set on this, here's some free advice. (He coos, but Jay pushes him away.) Get a cool villain name! Like mine! But different, because I already have mine.

Jay: A villain name! Great. Thanks.

Fugi-Dove: Like "The Jay-ler"! Because your name is Jay, get it? And then get some chains so you can smash stuff.

Jay: Ah! That's it. (He turns to leave, but something shakes the bus. He turns to see the Samurai X MECH.)

Cole: Is that who I think it is?

(The MECH detaches the door and kneels down. Nya reveals that she is piloting the MECH while Christina flew with her powers in a new suit.)

Kai: Nya? Christina?

Cole: What are you both doing here?

Nya: Breaking you out!

Christina: Let's go. Before someone sees us.

Zane: This course of action seems irrational.

Officer #2: Huh, I don't see anything wrong. Do you?

Main Guard: Nope! Weird.

Dareth: Well, keep lookin', young fellers! Must be somethin'. (He notices Nya and Christina giving him a thumbs up.) Oh, heh. That's my cue. Thanks, officers! You fixed it!

Main Guard: Uh, we did?

Officer #2: How?

Christina: See ya later officers!

(Christina picks up the ninja to the car and Dareth drives off.)

Main Guard: Hey! The purple ninja is helping the other ninja escape!

(They turn to see the MECH turning the bus vertical.)

Nya: Sorry, fellers! (She blasts off.)

Officer #2: (on a phone) Uh, ahem. Central? You're not gonna like this.

(In the Mayor's Office, Ulysses Trustable is playing golf. Dwayne bursts through the doors.)

Dwayne: Sir! (He startles Ulysses, whose golf club goes flying before he catches it.) We just got a call from Kryptarium Prison!

Ulysses: Ha! How're the ninja liking prison?

Dwayne: Uh, I don't think they liked it.

Ulysses: Of course they didn't like it, it was a - wait. You said liked. As in past tense. Why - why did you say that in the past tense?!

Dwayne: Because they just broke out, sir!

Ulysses: What?!

(In the Ninjago City Police Station, the Commissioner is painting his model boat. Suddenly, the phone rings.)

Commissioner: (He sighs.) One day I'll finish you. One day. (On the phone) Commissioner's office.

Ulysses: I just found out that the ninja escaped!

Commissioner: Oh, uh, that's ... that's terrible, sir.

Ulysses: You're tootin' right it's terrible! I want them found. You hear me? (To his cat) Eh, not now, Mr. Fussly Fussly, we'll snuzzle later. (On the phone) Found and arrested!

Commissioner: Well, sir, I hate to be a stickler, but uh, I'm afraid Kryptarium Prison is outside Ninjago City.

Ulysses: Uh huh! What's that got to do with it?

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin