"It was all Minwoo!" Jaewan shouted as they also clapped for Min..

"Yeah.. But everyone had a good job either way.. Anyways the reason why i call you all here is that i have big news.."


"Remember the girl that kicked Y/N's balls?"

Minwoo looked at Hyuk and asked.

"What about her?"

"They're company decided to have a collab with ours.. And our boss decided it to be us, Since you know Min.. Your the magician of music.."

"Oh.." Min was shocked.

Minwoo's heart was beating fast again not knowing what to say or feel.

"But.. I dont expect you to work Min.. I already told the boss that you might reject the idea since you know.."

"No No! Its fine.. I'll work on the project.."

"Oh really.. Thats good."

"Yeah, Don't worry the past is the past.."

Hyuk kept blabbing about words that didn't matter to Minwoo, As the time goes by the meeting finally reaches it ends.

Minwoo then went outside and went out for a quick smoke..

Hyuk also soon followed and had a one on one time with Min..

"Whats wrong?" Hyuk asked as Min lit up Hyuk's cigar.

"Bad shit.. That i made.."

"Really? What happened?"

"Do you mind if you dont tell Han.."

"Yeah sure.. You can keep your promise safe with me.."

"You know the girl that he was talking about.."

"Yeah the bartender.."

"I hooked up with her last week.. before the show.."

Hyuk was coughing the smoke out from the sudden surprise.

"You what?" Hyuk silently shouted.

"I know its fucked up.."

"Was it because you were drunk?"


"Just move on from it.. Im sure Han wouldnt know about our little secret.."

"Well.. Can i tell you another secret?"

"Sure Sure.."

"Bibi was my highschool girlfriend.. It was until i became the person who i am today.."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know me.. Im a playboy.. I cheated on her when i became popular in school.." Minwoo suddenly confessed as he was embarrassed to finally admit it.

Hyuk was happy to see that Minwoo was showing that side of truthfulness in him.

"Well, What makes Bibi different from the others girls you hooked up with?"

"Before i became famous in highschool, Bibi was there for me.. But i wansnt there for her.. When i saw the bartender that Han liked was Bibi, I suddenly remembered how i used to love her.."

"Which resulted in.."

"It resulted to us hooking the week after the incident.. The week after we met each other again, But i didnt mean to hook up with her or anything.. So now she's dissapointed at me after i told her it was an incident and if Han finds out then im.."

"Your fucked basically?"


"So i guess that explains why you changed.. You felt guilty?"

"I did.. But i never thought about changing since i first thought the only way to let go of the guilt was to go clubbing again, But Bibi is the bartender to the bar i go to.."

"What about other bars?"

"You know that im banned in most bars in the city.." Minwoo and Hyuk chuckled.

"Well then if you really loved that girl you wouldnt have cheated right?"

Minwoo was taken by surprise to see that Hyuk was taking his side and not scolding him about playing with a woman's emotions.

"I think i havent told you this but i found out my wife also cheated on me.. I caught them on our home.. While our child was at school.."

Minwoo suddenly realized that this was probably about the divorce papers he saw last night.

"I know that what im feeling right now is the same shit that Bibi felt in highschool.."

Minwoo kept listening as he saw Hyuk was tearing up.

"I thought my wife was drunked or something but she wasnt.. She told me she didnt love me.. and shit.."

Minwoo hugged Hyuk as Hyuk kept crying onto Minwoo's shirt.

"Min.. To let go of the guilt just tell Han okay?"

Minwoo agreed.

"Your right."

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