Night 17 - Is It Over?

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A kid walked up to me. "Heya, kid! Do you need something?" I said and repeated in sign language. I picked her up, and read the tag on her unicorn onesie. It read "Rosy Williams." "Is something wrong?" "Dada." She said. "Rosy Williams. Your parent is here to pick you up." The PA in the room blasted in my ears. I walked over to the front desk, and handed the little girl to her father. After all the children left, I began to clean up the place. It was covered in glitter glue. "Sundrop! Clean up your glitter glue!" I yelled out. "Star! Do I have to?" "Yes! Now clean up!" The doors of the Daycare opened, and three people entered. "Star! I got a high score on my 'Ancient Languages' test! Are you proud of me?" Gregory came running to me, waving a paper with a huge B on it. "Good job, Gregory!" Kira and Hanako were behind him.

It's been a year since the war between living things and animatronics took place. "Ready to go?" Kira asked. I nodded and looked at Sundrop. Within five minutes, we were at our destination. We walked over to three graves. Kira solemnly placed flowers on Ivy's grave and a tomato juice packet on Killian's. Hanako put down a whole meal on Tsukasa's grave. I just watched from behind. "Stardrop, you don't need to feel guilty anymore. It wasn't your fault." Sundrop tried to comfort me. "I know. I just feel like if I made the connection sooner, I could have saved them." I couldn't cry. "Kira. Hanako. You gotta go to therapy now!" I said as I looked at the time. Sundrop took them to the car and drove away. "Star, what were they like? Aunt Killian and Aunt Ivy? What about Mr. Tsu?" Gregory asked me as we walked back to the Daycare.

"They were...amazing." I said as I opened the back door and let him inside. Since the apocalypse was over, I have much free time, so I built a little house for Gregory to live in. He had no one to rely on, so I adopted him. "Gregory, go change your clothes and get ready for dinner." I said as I handed him a pair of fresh clothes and sent him on his way. I prepared some pasta for him, although it was hard to move around. It was mainly because I was tall as heck, and the room was pretty small. The pasta was almost done when Gregory came in. "Hey Star, what's that doll?" I turned to see the same Sun-Moon plush from when I was a human. I picked it up and hugged it. "This is...uh...E-Eclipse." Immediately upon saying that, Sundrop came crashing into the house. "Stardrop! Gregory! How are y'all doing?" He patted Gregory on the head. "Anyways, what do you want for your birthday, kid?" I said as I handed him a bowl of pasta. He was turning 12 the day after.

Suddenly the lights went out. "Dang it, a power outage." Gregory lit a candle and began to eat. "Naughty boy! You didn't do your homework!" Moondrop said. Right, Sundrop and Moondrop were programmed to be the same person again. "I'll do it after dinner!" Gregory laughed. I took the plush, and put it in my room. I felt tired, so I wished the two of them 'goodnight' and went to sleep.

A few minutes later, Gregory bursted into my room and dragged me out of bed. "They're here!" He said. It was probably the school headmaster. She felt sorry for putting me on Daycare duty when I was human, because that was part of how I was where I am right now. "It's the giant bear, the fox, the chicken, and the bunny." My eyes widened as he said this, and I ran outside to Moondrop. "Stardrop and Moondrop. We apologize in advance. "Wait, what?" I blurted out. "For what?" It was dark outside, and all I had was the candle Gregory lit up earlier. "We cannot allow you to keep the boy. In fact, we found a home and a family for him." Freddy went on. "You can't just take him away! I adopted him!" I blurted out again. "We adopted him!" My blue eyes were visible with anger. "Foxy." Foxy ran over to Gregory and grabbed him by the arm. I shoved the candle into Moondrop's hands, but heard a clunk as I sprinted over to help Gregory. But then, I felt smoke arise. I turned around to see nothing, until a fire sparked from a pile of trash bags.

I grabbed Gregory, who had been let go by Foxy. I ran into the house, and Moondrop followed me. Within three minutes, firefighters arrived on the scene. All they found after extinguishing the fire were four burned down animatronics, their faces not visible from the burns. "Wow, I wonder who got burned this time. Humans don't like 'em animatronics, do they?" A firefighter said as he dragged away the burned animatronics. Why am I the cause of problems? First, I started an apocalypse, then I assisted in Ivy's death, and I gave Kira and Hanako a reason to go to therapy, my dad is ill, and I adopted a kid! I'm only 17. And now, I burned the hell out of the four animatronics who tried to kill me. I didn't speak to anyone for a week after that incident, and I didn't need to work since it was Thanksgiving week. I didn't see Sundrop at all, and Gregory was with me the entire time, just working on a story his teacher assigned him.

The Eclipse [Sundrop/Moondrop x Female!Reader] (COMPLETED!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora