Night 8 - The Animatronic

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                 I woke up normally, dressed normally, did my hair normally, brushed my teeth normally, but when I was putting some powder on, I noticed that the cut I received the day before...was gone. It was erased completely, like it was never there. And all the cuts from the time we got kidnapped by the Night Guards were also erased from my body. It's like none of those things ever happened. It's like I've gone back in time. I ran to the table and snatched my phone. I sped through my phone to find my Messages. I quickly texted if they still had cuts on their bodies. All I got back was "What cuts? The only cut I have is the time I cut my finger while cooking." Kira replied in a few minutes. This makes no sense. We clearly had cuts from the kidnapping, but they disappeared. 

                 From the corner of my eye, I saw it. It was just staring at me. It was so unsettling. It had the same body as Sundrop, but just so much more distorted. It looked like Sundrop, but it was dark like Moon. It had a formal attire, with Sundrop's cute little ray sticking up from its head . "New friend? New friend! I am trapped in a nap!" it said, although it sounded like Sun. I was terrified. I couldn't move at all. What did this thing want from me? What happened to my cuts? Did it remove my cuts? I had so many questions. "What do you want from me?!" I yelled. But then, its head turned 360 degrees. Suddenly, all existence of Sundrop disappeared from its face. "Naughty! Naughty! It's time for your nap!" It tilted its head to the side. "No more Sun!"

                 Suddenly, my head started pounding, my heart started beating fast, and my eyes turned watery and blurry. I fell to the floor as I gasped for air. "What are you doing to me!" I yelled as I started crying from pain. "{0M3 6@{K @ND H@V3 @ F@Z-3R!FF!{ D@Y!" It was so distorted, I could barely hear it. I don't know what else it said, but I blacked out.

                I woke up again, and everything was normal. Except that I woke up with a huge headache. I jumped up and checked my body. No cuts or scratches, except the cut I received from Moondrop. "What is happening to me? What did @%$(&@ do to--" Wait, what? I said "What did @%$(&@ do to me?" Why am I not about to say @%$(&@? See? I"m not able to say it! Why?! Ugh! I have to figure this out later! I'm late for school! Wait, what happened to @%$(&@? It turned into a...little baby robot. It just had this note on it, saying "Take me with you." Why? Who would want me to take a little robot to school? But I was scared, so I carefully put it inside my backpack then headed out the door of my small apartment.

A/N: Written with one braincell and my eyes literally heavy, and a headche :3

The Eclipse [Sundrop/Moondrop x Female!Reader] (COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now