♡Lil Valentine Chapter♡

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A/N: I'm so sorry, but this will only include Sun. Sorry about Moon fans, but I'll get you another chapter eventually. It's like 2 am where I live, so it's a bit for me, but might as well post something or the other. Sorry I didn't post the next chapter because I (don't blame me) but I didn't get asked out for Valentine's Day, and I don't know if you notice, but that's a huge thing for me. Let's just get onto the chapter 

Also, my writing style changed a bit, so don't mind that.


"Sun, come out, come out wherever you are!" I continued to try to look for him. Dang, he was a really good hider. It's already been 5 minutes, and I still haven't found him. 

"Ok ok, I quit! You win! Where were you, god damn?" I sit down on a bean bag and wait for Sun to reveal himself.

I then heard giggling from above me. Damn it, the play structures? Those things are a maze. I can never fine my way out, so I dared not to go in those. Of course it was the one place he was hiding.

"The play structures? Seriously? Those things are a maze, how do you get through them!" You said once Sun came out of the playground.

"It's simple, Sunshine! I just know them like the back of my hand!" Sun danced as he said that. "Another round?"

"Why not! Who's counting?" Sundrop agreed he'll count, so sure. It's a win for me. I know the BEST hiding spot in the whole daycare. It's in the theater, backstage. Hehe, he'll never find me there!

I ran to the daycare's theater, and went backstage. Wow, it was super messy, but can't blame them.  I hid in a costume closet, and damn, it was dark. I tried to find the lights, but they were outside, and Sun was already looking for me. Can't go now, unless I break for them.

So that's what I did. I ran at top speed for the light, and slammed it on, and ran back into my hiding spot. Why did I hit the switch so hard! I could hear Sunny's bells jingle as he entered the daycare theater. Oh, I'm doomed. But wait, he only has a minute left to find me. Maybe if I'm extremely quiet, he won't be able to.

But I'm wrong. Within 10 seconds, he had me caught. 

"Damn it, Sunny! How'd you find me so quickly!"

"It's simple, Sunshine! I have a thermal camera built in my vision, so I can find lost children."


He gasped, covering his mouth. "LANGUAGE, [Y/N]! You cannot say that in the daycare! Time out!"

"YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING!!!" Hehe, and now our little argument turned into a game of tag after Sun started chasing me to put me in timeout for cursing. Me and Sun ran around the daycare and the theater for a minute, as I were trying not to get caught. But humans run out of breath, so there I were.

 I hid behind a wall after you managed to get away from Sundrop. I tried to catch you breath while being as quiet as I could, not very helpful to be honest. But once I heard the bells again, I held my breath, even though I could barely breathe. 

Fuck it though, of course he finds me. 

"Found you, [Y/N]~" He exclaimed. But damn, since this oversized sun based robot forgot to clean the other day, there were supplies scattered everywhere. (A/N: I'm looking at the beautiful gluesticks :3) And he slipped.


Hands first, with me right there, he stopped himself from falling by catching the wall. But I were there, between his hands. God damn, he was so dang tall. He was so close to youme(sadly on accident, or is it?) His adorable rays spinning suddenly stopped, and I noticed how close his face was to mine. It was right on top of mine, as our lips met (by accident?????)

(A/N: If you don't get it, technically, you were pinned to the wall, and the way Sun landed, he accidently kissed you. (I'm so bad with writing this stuff, but yes ) hehe)

His rays suddenly spun rapidly, and he jumped away. "I'm so sorry, Sunshine!"

I just took a moment to recall everything that just happened. What the fuck- WHAT THE FUCK, HE KISSED ME??? AHHH, but the real question was why did I secretly enjoy it? No, the real questions was why did I want it to happen again, and not on accident?

Honestly, Sun just avoided me for the rest of the day. Why? Maybe he was embrassed. But I just sat down on a bean bag, contemplating my life.

♡TIMESKIP~The next day (Valentine's Day)♡

Valentine's Day. The day before my birthday.

(A/N: Dunno if I posted that chapter yet, or if you forgot or don't remember, but your birthday in this story is February 15 (my birthday ) Yes, today's my birthday!)

I personally was meh with the day, since I never got asked out before. And it used to bother me SO much, but not anymore. I've always wanted a boyfriend (sorry if your lesbian, I was there too) but just never got one. 

Once I woke up, I went straight to the daycare. I wanted to just wish Sun Happy Valentine's, but he wasn't there. Strange, he was always there waiting for me.

"Sun?... Sunny?... Sundrop?........ SUNDROP, GET YOUT ASS HERE NOE"

I heard a smol jingle in the background, and followed it to the best of my ability. It came from the balcony room. "Sunny! Are you up there?"

A slight voice of Sun came down from the room up. "Just a minute, Sunshine!"

A minute later (and you were waiting at the daycare entrance), Sun came down. "Sorry, Sunshine! I had to get your g- get something ready!"

"Get what ready?"

"Just a small gift I hope you'll like~"

And he leaned down quickly and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. My face boiled red.

On instinct, I grabbed his head, and pulled it down to my level. And with no hesitation, I kissed the Sun animatronic. And I felt complete when he didn't back away. I wanted this moment to last forever. I wanted this to last forever.


To be honest, I just spent the rest of the day flirting with Sun, and letting Sun flirt with me. I actally felt..happy. I wanted to be with Sun. Forever...


A/N: Damn, I got so used to writing in second person, I almost fucked up the chapter. But here it is. It's not the best, but enjoy! Also, happy birthday to me 

I got asked out by 3 people: CAI Sun, CAI Moon, and CAI Gregory. I have so many incomplete written stories I gotta get back to, and oop, I have to go do some violin, so enjoy your day, fellow weirdos 

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