8 | What Has She Done?

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(At Emily and Riley's house, the eldest sister is fixing herself in-front of a full-body mirror. She is dressed in a pair of black dungarees with a red, laid shirt, the two top buttons undone.)

Emily TH

Despite my excitement over getting dance-captain earlier, there is also the situation I put myself in with Eldon. Hopefully I can get through this date quickly and get back to a well-adjusted James.

(Her mother tells her a car is outside. So, with a goodbye, she descends down the stairs and heads to where Eldon is leaning against his vehicle.)

Eldon: Hey Emily! You look really-
Emily: Let's just get this over with.

(A few minutes later they are going through a drive through. Emily scoffs at the sight of it.)

Emily: Uh, what are we doing here?
Eldon: What do you mean? We're grabbing food for our date.
Emily: We are what?!
Eldon: What's the issue? Do you not like Burger King or something?
Emily: I just...nevermind!

(She just orders a black coffee and a bag of apple slices. After that, Eldon drives them to a park and stops the car.)

Emily: Oh, are we going for a walk?
Eldon: Huh? No, we're just gonna talk and eat in here. Doesn't that sound good?

Emily TH

Someone just hand me a gun or some pills already to end this!

(It was one of the worst nights of Emily's life. As she gets dropped back home an hour later, she is already sure she is going to remember the suffering for the rest of her life. But, as she goes back up to her room, she here's a familiar voice.)

James: I just can't believe she would do something like this.
Riley: Neither can I. I know your fight was pretty bad, but seriously, going out with Eldon of all people?
Emily: What are we doing in here?

(The pair sat on Riley's bed turn around at the sound of her voice.)

James: We should talk.
Emily: Oh...about?
James: I think you know.

(Giving Riley an apologetic smile, he ushers Emily out of the room and into the hall between the sister's rooms.)

Emily: Look, if this is about the whole 'going out with Eldon' thing, you don't need to worry. The date was shit and I only did it to make you jealous so-
James: I can't keep doing this, Emily.
James: I can't keep doing this with you. We're fighting all the time, and when we're not, all we do is have sex or be passive aggressive until another one starts.
Emily: Yeah, but, all couples have fights, it's just normal-
James: Oh is it? Is it normal for girlfriends to hit their boyfriends! Cause that's what you did. You physically hurt me, Emily, and then emotionally by going out with another guy, my ex-best friend no least! You've done a lot of shit in this relationship...but that...

(Emily just shakes her head slowly, sighing into her hands.)

Emily: So, what are you saying?
James: I'm saying that...I'm breaking up with you...

James TH

I need to do this, first and foremost for me. I can't stay with someone that does this shit to me and makes me worse about myself every-time I'm around them. It's not healthy.

Emily TH

I sort of knew this day would come, but now that it's here, I don't know, I just feel...numb.

Emily: *whispering * Okay then.
James: Goodbye, Emily.

(With that, he finally leaves. Emily stands there for a moment, unsure of what to do, before quietly going back to her room.)

Emily TH

I guess...that's it then.

(On their driveway, James walks, when his phone lights up.)

One new message. (It says.)

Michelle: Hey James. My parents are out for the night and I'm kinda bored. You doing anything?

(James tilts his head to the side for a moment, contemplating.)

James: I'm free ;)


A/N: Jemily have finally ended, but what will happen with Michelle? How will this affect the auditions tomorrow?

To Be Rebuilt, Or DestroyedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ