5 | The Season Begins

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AN: Minor violence and domestic abuse.


(The new a-troupe are all in studio-a, stretching at the barres. Chris calls out different positions for them to go in.)

Emily TH

Right now we are just doing a small ballet class. Even though it's our first day together, we won't be starting any official Regionaks work until next week.

Even then, being with this new group is...to put it blunt, fucking horrific! My teeth are at a risk of breaking from the fake smile I've been forced to put on!

Chris: Alright everyone, that's enough for now. You can all head home, and then we will be back tomorrow for me to teach you a combo.

(Sighing with relief, everyone split up, either going to different parts of the room, or leaving it completely.)

Emily: I don't think I can take much more of this.
James: Why? It was just a ballet class, even I'm not tired of that.
Emily: That's not what I-uh! I just can't believe Amanda took a spot that could have been Stephanie or Tiffany's!
Riley: It's just how it is Em. I miss them too, but there's not much we can do.
Emily: Or is there...
James: I don't like that look.

Emily TH

There may be a way for me to get things back to normal. But, I just have to wait a little bit longer.

(Down in Squeezed, Michelle is talking with Hunter and her new friends.)

Michelle: So, how is b-troupe going?
Hunter: Pretty good actually. People aren't too bad either. I've been getting on well with this guy called Charlie.
Giselle: Yeah, I could see that coming, judging by what you said yesterday.
Michelle: Great, so they're just as horny as each-other.
Hunter: You weren't complaining last year.
West: Um...excuse me?!
Michelle: Uh! Why did you have to-fine! We may or may not have dated a a couple years ago...

Giselle TH

These two did what now?!

Daniel TH

This is getting juicy!

Michelle TH

Yeah yeah. We were best friends since we were kids, and you know, when we became teenagers, hormones started rising and feelings emerged. It was just a short time, alright!

Hunter TH

If you call almost an entire year a short time, then yeah.

Daniel: But, you two are still on good terms?
Hunter: Yeah, it was fun for a bit, but we both agreed we preferred being friends.
Michelle: Exactly, I don't get why everyone thinks people have to breakup in some massive tragedy.

(At that, Giselle grows a contemplates look on her face.)

West: You alright?
Giselle: Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine...

(Up on one of the many balconies of the building, sits Noah, nursing a bottle of orange juice.)

Noah TH

I'm just kind of sitting here by myself, thinking about what happened. I'm ecstatic to be on a-troupe, I really am! This has been something I've been fighting for for years now! But, my mood is kind of ruined by Gabi.

I thought we were doing alright. I thought she would've been happy for me. But, then she fucking dumps me just like that?!

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