2 | New People

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Emily: Um, who are they? Have you guys seen them before?!

Stephanie: Nope. Just some more new people to the studio I guess.

Emily; Uh, I hate how Miss Kate has opened these auditions to the public. Things were so much better before. 

Emily TH

Every other year, we only allowed people that were in b-troupe and a-troupe to fight for a chance on the team. But, now our studio-head has changed it so that people from j-troupe an even outsiders have a chance! Complete bullshit in my opinion! We have worked so hard to be on this team, and now we can get it taken away by a bunch of newbies!

(The girl that came in earlier looks around the room, taking in all the people around.)

Michelle TH

My friend Hunter and I have actually come here from Madison. Both our dads got new jobs in another branch of the business they work for, so we all moved. It was hard saying goodbye to all my old friends, but at-least I have Hunter here with me. 

Before we left, I checked online for dance studios in Toronto, and that's how I came upon The Next Step. Their website talked about how incredible they are and that they were holding auditions for their competitive team. I immediately told Hunter and we both agreed that we had to come here.

Michelle: Hi! I'm Michelle and this is Hunter. 

Giselle: Nice to meet you! This is my boyfriend, West, and that's Daniel. 

West: Hiya

Daniel: Pleasure to meet you. 

Hunter: Pleasure is all mine. 

Michelle: Wow, only been here 5 minutes and you're already flirting with someone. 

Giselle: Eh, not a lost cause though.

Daniel: Yeah, I'm gay as fuck. 

Hunter: Oooooohh, noted.

West: Yeah, but this boy has horrible taste. He's way too infatuated with that boy there. 

(West points over to a skinny, blonde boy, who is talking to James.)

Eldon: Hey man.

James: Uh, what do you want?!

Eldon: Can't I just say hi to my best friend?

James: Who is that? Cause it ain't me. I don't bother my time with guys that keep flirting with my girlfriend!

Eldon: You're still with her then? Why man? I thought she was just another one of your flings. I bet you'll be broken up in a week.

James: Fuck off Eldon!

(Resisting the urge to punch the idiot's face, James stomps over to Giselle's group.)

Giselle: Oooohh, what he do this time?

James: Oh, just saying that he is waiting for Emily and I to split up, nothing big.

Giselle TH

As much as I fucking hate to say it, I kind of agree with Eldon. Now, don't get me wrong, I love James, we've been friends for years, but he doesn't exactly have the best track record with girls. Heck, I'm surprised Emily even got with him in the first place. The two of them barely got on for years, and then they got drunk during Stephanie's Halloween party a few months ago and ended up hooking up in one of the bedrooms!

I just don't see them lasting much longer. Just like all James' other relationships. 

(As James seethes from where he stands, everyone watches as a pair of heels and trainers hit the wooden ground. Miss Kate and Mr Chris stand before them.)

Miss Kate: Is everybody ready?!

To Be Rebuilt, Or Destroyedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें