The Conference

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They continued to reconnect after that initial meeting and eventually became friends. They frequently exchanged texts and talked on the phone.

"Hey buddy, how's it going?" Jude exclaimed while on the phone. "Oh, you're in Maryland? Why don't you come over to my apartment? You don't need to stay in a hotel for the conference when I'm here. Just bring your things, and I'll make sure you're comfortable. Oh, I didn't know you had a son. Don't worry about him, both of you can come over. That's what friends are for, right? Haha. Alright buddy, I'll be expecting you. Bye.

After a few hours, Jason arrived at Jude's driveway and called him on phone.
"Hey, I finally made it after all the trouble, Finding the building was tough, my gps kept on circling me around the neighborhood." Jason said.

"Haha, you're not the first one to have trouble finding the place," Jude chuckled. "Anyway, come inside and take the elevator on your left to the 6th floor. Room number 202.

"Ding dong, Jason rang the doorbell."Look who's here!" Jude greeted him. "Nice to see you again, buddy."

"Yeah, it's been just two weeks since we last met,You've got a nice place. This looks good " Jason replied.

Jude- thanks buddy
Jude's attention shifted to the little boy behind Jason.

"Hey kiddo, what's your name? You look better than your dad, honestly," Jude joked.

"Haha, so when will you give me credit?" Jason teased.

"Thanks, uncle. My name is Christian," the boy replied.

"That's cute. Guess what? I have a surprise for you. Cypher, come here!" Jude called out.

"You have a son too? What a coincidence. It's funny how our names start with a J and our sons' names start with a C. It seems like we're meant to be," Jason remarked.

"I know, right? A perfect but weird combination of a weird smart guy and a sly fox" Jude smirked.

"Where is your wife, though? Let me say hi to her," Jason asked.

"Wife? Me? Never happening. These ho*s ain't loyal," Jude joked. "I don't want to be committed, you know. There are so many ladies out there. Can't be tied down by one. I should be asking you this question instead, Mr. moral man, haha."

"So what good trait do you have, bro?" Jason inquired.

"I guess I don't want to have one. At least I've been able to win you as a friend. Can that be counted as one?" Jude replied.

"You have a point. Who could resist your charm?" Jason admitted. "About my wife, she passed away when Christian was 5 years old. She was a perfect partner. I don't think I'll trade the memories I shared with her for another woman. That's why I never remarried. Moreover, I don't want any woman to disturb my son. It's better to raise him alone. I would have reconsidered if I had a daughter instead."

"Well said. Trying to do everything right in life will always get you disappointed. Life is about you, you have to put yourself first. Our friend seems to have a future. We won't have Jezebels crossing our paths, you know. Most male friendships break because of women," Jude joked. "I don't know how to cook, so I couldn't prepare anything for you. Let's go out for lunch. What do you say?"

"Sure," Jason agreed.

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