Chapter 3: Roadtrip

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"On a more serious note, you are right. But where the hell do we even start?" Luke asked.

I stared at Oliver for a minute. "Hey, Walker!" Luke yelled.


"What is it?" he asked.

"No. I just realised, after this dog died, the Shaggies realized that their pet was a female."

Luke gave a phenomenal reply by choking on his plums. Once he had swallowed it, he said, "Are you insane?"

"No, I'm serious. I think they had probably known it the entire time but decided to keep it quiet. They were weirdos, those Shaggies. But now that we have the dog (back from the dead), we should probably do it justice."

Luke clearly didn't believe me, his face said it all, but just to humor me, he asked, "What should we name it, then?"

"How about...Olivera?"

"Okay." He said quickly. "Now, where the hell do we begin?"

"By packing."

After I was done packing, I went back to Luke's house. Upon entering, I found multiple bags situated in the living room. I went in there to find out no living being so I went to what looked like Luke's bedroom, where he was packing.

"What exactly are you packing?" I asked him, upon which he jerked his head up, hitting it on a cabinet door he left open.

Startled, he sighed in relief, "Oh, thank g...I thought you were-"

"Someone else?" I grinned, "Like who?"

"Good point. I'm having a dilemma right now." He picked up two books and asked me, "Should I take Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?"

"We're not going on a fangirling trip, Seabell."

"But I get bored really easily."

"You're what, 25?"

"23 and so what? You think I'm too old to read books like this?"

"No, not like that...Tell you what, give me Harry Potter. And finish up packing."

"Yeah, sure. Damn it, I can't find my bag." He flung a box outside, whose contents scattered everywhere. Amongst which I found a black and white scroll. It had designs across itself.

I picked it up and asked Luke, "Where'd you get this from?"

He looked at the scroll and scowled, "Ah, well." He attempted at a smile and continued, "Family heirloom."

I could tell he was lying but I decided not to press on the topic. Among the scattered things on the ground was a stick, a wand.

I took the wand and flicked it, which caused it to shoot out a fireball. "Woah, sorry." I apologised.

"What?" He looked at the wand I was holding and chuckled, "That thing? Yeah, it shoots out fireballs. I nearly burned my sister's dress with that."

"Kinda looks like the Elder wand." I said, matter-of-factly.

"Because it is." Luke replied.

"Yeah? The only elder thing about this is its age because it has a lot of dust on it."

Luke laughed and said, "Sure, buddy. I have another wand like that. Maybe I should take both."

"Why?" I asked, curious.

"Safety Precautions."

"You're gonna take wands for safety precautions?" I laughed.

"Yeah. They spew fire, don't they?"

After we had packed up and I had pulled my car out of the driveway, Luke hopped in as I let him drive.

"So where the hell do we start?" I asked.

"First stop: The Supermarket." he replied

I let Luke drive and politely refused to ride shotgun and instead sat at the back. Meanwhile, Olivera was sitting at the front. Luke was driving to the supermarket, quietly whistling.

Houses and stores went by. South of the car, a beautiful river was flowing right next to a park filled with trees and shrubs. The sun shone through the colorful surroundings, making everything even more beautiful.

And yet, I didn't feel so. My mind was racing with thoughts. How I had woken up on my doorstep on October 1st, basically hibernating for a full month. I didn't actually want to believe it was October 1, that the phones were just lying. But I knew, deep down, that soon I would have to come to terms with it.

And my family. How they mysteriously disappeared. My dog, also leaving without a trace. I remember, missing my family, hoping they'd visit soon, how they hadn't visited me for a few months. And when they finally came, before I even got to spend a day with them, they had gone.

After we reached the supermarket, Luke parked the car and we went in. Unsurprisingly, the pomegranate crate was empty. Still, I found that pretty funny.

While Luke shopped, I strolled around. I knew I should help him out but my mind was elsewhere. The time lapse, the doorstep and the dead dog. This kept repeating in my head.

Suddenly, I saw a door with a board at the top saying, 'ONLY FOR STAFF' that was left wide open. Something about that struck me as weird. And we all know what we do when we think something is weird. We poke around. Or atleast; I did.


Short chapter, I know. But I need a lil bit more time to work on the longer ones. Luv you all!!

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