Chapter 2: Olivera and Pomegranates

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"What do you mean, pomegranates?" Luke hit his toe at the edge of the table and winced. Shaking it off, he asked "What is it?"

I pointed towards his fridge, which was filled to the brim with red foods, including strawberries, raspberries, beetroots and a load of pomegranates. "So damn, you didn't tell me you were into red food."

Rubbing his eyes, he replied "First of all, we met 3 minutes ago. Second, I do like these foods but not.. because... they're..." His voice got lower and lower and then he collapsed.

I caught him before he hit the ground, "Seabell? You okay?"

He didn't answer. And then, to my surprise, he started snoring. "Luke, wake up!" I placed him on a chair and sprinkled some water on his face.

"Gah!" He moaned, "Let me sleep.."

"You already slept for a month. That not enough for ya?" I asked, getting worried.

My knees suddenly buckled before I realized I was starting to feel sleepy too. And this wasn't the natural kind of sleepiness. I felt like I was drugged. Like someone put a magical sleeping spell on me.

Before I could fall asleep myself, I grabbed Luke and dragged him outside. I started feeling really drowsy before I successfully got us out of his house.

My sleepiness went out the window the second I stepped out of his compound. I looked at Luke and judging by it, he had snapped out of it too.

"What the hell just happened?" he asked, looking around like his surroundings dropped out of the sky.

"You fell asleep. And I was starting to feel sleepy too." I replied.

He turned around and inspected his house. He stepped inside his compound and he went slack before I pulled him out, "Don't be thick. Something's wrong with your house."

"Wrong with MY house?" he looked at me angrily, like I had just mortally offended him.

"And mine." I added quickly, "The same thing. It's best if we... Mickey.."

"What the hell is a mickey?" he asked, confused.

I turned around and rushed towards my house. I jumped over the wall, my drowsiness returning, though not as strong as earlier. I looked at the kennel on my left, which was empty.

"Aw, man." I muttered, "How is this even possible?"

"What is it?" Luke yelled. "Get out of there, Walker."

I turned around, my mind racing with thoughts. I tried to jump over again, but I didn't have the energy. So I climbed it and fell on the other side. I took Luke's hand, which he was holding out and he raised me up.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"It's my dog, Mickey. He's gone." I replied, crestfallen.

"So? So is every other animal, as you told me."

"No, but Mickey never goes anywhere, with anyone without me. It's just....odd."

"Hmm.." Luke looked to his left and opened his mouth with surprise.

"What?" I turned to look at what he was looking at and I saw it. It was...

"A dog!" Luke exclaimed happily, rushing towards the dog.

The dog, meanwhile, was walking calmly in our direction, which was really odd for a dog. Something about the dog made the air much colder and made me feel like I should be bowing down before it.

When I reached closer to the animal, Luke said to me, "We found your dog!"

"It's a start. I mean....This is not my dog. Mine is a Pomeranian. This" I pointed towards the dog's golden fur, "is a golden retriever."

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