DOTS 24: Part Time Job

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"It's fine about the tutor, I don't teach every day. Every morning, Jiro and I work at the restaurant and every evening I'm here at the Café." Abby explained and all Ivy could do was sigh.

Morning shift at the restaurant and night shift at the Café.

"Wait a minute." Ivy said. Abby and Warren just looked at her.

"Doesn't this cafe belong to that guy named Jake?" Ivy asked. Abby nodded her head.

"Jake?" You mean, "President?" Warren asked.

"Isn't Jake the one who forced a kiss on you?" Ivy questioned again.

"Hey, Ivy!" Abby stopped Ivy.

"Kiss?" Warren asked in return.

"No, no, you can't work here. You won't know what he'll do next..." She couldn't continue what she was going to say when someone grabbed Ivy's mouth. And guess who?

"Jake!" Abby said.

"Your friend?" Jake asked.

"You are too loud." Jake said while his hand was still closed over Ivy's mouth.

"Samantha Ivy Furrer, a friend of mine." Abby said.

"Erm, President, about the kiss..." Warren continued.

"We are looking for part-timers though." Jake said.

Ivy tried to speak but she couldn't because Jake's hand was still covering her.

"If you're worried, why don't you join as well Samantha?" Jake said and held Ivy by the chin.

"No thanks!" Ivy said with difficulty and let go of her hand.

"President, about the kiss..." Warren said. When Jake was about to speak, Abby spoke.

"I will work here." Abby said persistently.

After Abby said that, she started immediately. In the morning Abby was in the restaurant with Jiro while in the evening Abby was in the Café with Warren.

Everything is going well because at least she doesn't miss Jayven anymore.

"To be honest, I still miss him." Abby said on her mind while walking.

It's been 3 days since she started exhausting herself from work.

"Ahh. I am so hungry." Abby just mumbled to herself and stopped.

And since she started working at Jake Café, Abby has a strong feeling that someone is following her until she gets home. She felt that someone was following her but she just ignored it instead she had the courage to go home even though she was afraid to be alone.

When she arrived at her condo, she called Jayven immediately and luckily Jayven answered.

"Hello Abby?" Jayven answered and it seems like he's really busy.

"Abby? Are you all right?" Jayven asked and Abby was still silent.

"Jayven is tired. I have to take care of myself alone." Abby says on her mind.

"I'm okay. I just want to ask if you've eaten?" Abby smiled.

"Not yet." Jayven replied.

"Alright, I'll hang up now." Abby didn't wait for Jayven's answer and ended the call.

On the other side, Jayven feel that something is wrong with Abby. That's why he texted Warren.

To: Warren Sandoval
Always look after Abby and watch her. Something is wrong. I'll go home as soon as possible.
From: Jayven Carson

Today is Sunday. Abby doesn't have a job at the restaurant and she spends the entire day at the Café. It's already 8pm and Abby is already out at 9pm.

The last customer finished and Abby went to her locker to pick up her bag. She put on a jacket and Abby just looked at the door when an unfamiliar person entered.

"Sir, only staff can come in here. The bathroom is not here though." Abby said but the guy just look at her.

Abby immediately got her bag when the man came to her and when the man was about to touch her, Abby hit the man with the bag, causing the man to push Abby and hit Abby's head on the locker and Abby just sat down while holding her head. The man pulled out a knife.

"I've been watching you since you work here, but you don't even notice me?" The man seems paranoid.

"I was taking you home, but you was running away." The man added.

"Please do not hurt me." Abby said and struggled to stand up. The man approaches her, Abby uses her arm to prevent the man from stabbing her. The knife was getting closer and closer to Abby's face when suddenly Warren stepped in and kicked the man.

The man got angry and immediately rushed at Warren and Warren fell down as the man hit Warren's leg. The man was about to stab Warren on his chest but Abby stood up and kicked the man in the head.

The man fell to the floor so hard that Warren was also surprised by what Abby did. The man stood up despite the pain and he approached Abby causing Abby to be surprised and her hand injured from the man's attack.

"Zaileigh!" Warren shouted and kicked the man quickly. Warren immediately helped Abby and when the man rushed again, Warren hugged Abby causing Abby to close her eyes and hold onto Warren tightly.

Both of them stood up when they felt that the man had fallen down and they saw that Jayven was hitting him and his nose, face, and lips were bleeding. Jayven only stopped when he saw Abby's reaction which was inexplicable.

"Are you all right?" Jayven said and helped Abby to stand.

"Hey Abby. Are you alright?" Abby is still shocked by what happened so she doesn't know what to do.

"Take me home." That's all Abby could say and hugged Jayven. Jayven picked Abby up and hugged her.

"Thank you." Jayven said to Warren and tapped him on the shoulder.

Ethan will take care of it and Abby just fell asleep while hugging Jayven.


Thank you for reading! Have a nice day!

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