DOTS 7: Let me keep on Dreaming

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"I don't want a pest to come and mess this up." Jayven said and put the ring on Abby's finger and after that he kissed it.

"A pest?" Abby just said that.

"I haven't felt anything like this before." Jayven said.

"Seems like I'm kinda possessive." Smile it says and they both just smiled.

"This ring... I'll treasure it." Abby smiled and so is Jayven. They walked hand in hand together.

"I don't care who Jayven really is, Even if he's deceiving me." Abby just said in her mind.

"Even this is just temporary or... A dream... Let me keep on dreaming." Abby added.

"Those girl earlier, don't listen of what rhey saying. Focus on yourself and focus on us." Jayven rest assured Abby and she didn't say anything.

"I love you My Abby." Jayven added.

"I love you too." Abby said and force a smile. She avoided what Jayven said before that, she doesn't want Jayven to get involved to her problems.

Abby was in the University now because she have class. She was alone because her friends were not here.

The smile never left Abby's lips even though she and Jayven are not together right now. She is currently at her table while staring at the ring on her finger.

"Oh my. She's cute." Said the guy behind him.

"No wonder why she's popular." Two guy near her seat praised Abby.

"Everyone in our University knows her. Zaileigh Abby Merindah, she's a good dancer too." The guy said.

"Did you notice?" He said.

"The ring." He added.

"And it's on her left hand." The other man said.

"She has a boyfriend or something, huh." He added.

"That's why even though we're just behind her, she still hasn't heard us. She was too focused on her finger." The third guy said.

The one who was with them who had been listening to them earlier did not hesitate to approach. His companions stopped him but he still came and talked to Abby.

"Can I sit beside you?" He said as Abby look at him.

"Warren?" Abby said and smiled at him. As expected Abby knows him.

Warren Sandoval, same age as Abby. A Varsity Player who was Famous at their University too.

"You look happy." Warren said as he sat down and Abby just smiled.

"Is that from your boyfriend?" He asked.

When Abby couldn't understand Warren's question, Warren pointed to the ring on her finger. Abby just nodded at the question.

"I see. Studying here too?" This is another question and Abby shook her head.

"Working adult." Abby answered.

"What is he doing?" Warren said and smile.

"Erm. An ordinary salaryman." Abby just answered.

"What kind of person is he?" This is another question again from Warren.

"He's handsome, he's matured, and he's a gentle person." Abby said with a shudder and a smile but she hide it.

"I see." Abby was surprised to know whose voice it was. She stared at Jayven in shock.

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