A New World

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One day in 2009 in a top-secret lab deep in the woods of an island that wasn't on any radar known to man four scientists began a job. These scientists came from all over the world with one goal in mind. They had a goal, a lofty goal to perfect the human race. They were working on a serum. This serum was going to change the world as they knew it. Little did they known how right they were.

Using animal DNA from wolves, hawks, mountain lions and polar bears, four different serums were created. Each scientist administered the first dose of their chosen animal to themselves. The effects were immediate, they were stronger, faster, and better equipped for life on this planet, and the scientists were happy with the effects. In 5 years', time each serum was duplicated 800 times. Then each of the four scientists went home. Taking 200 vials of each batch home with them.

It took them 10 years to successfully administer all the serum amongst their home country. During this 10-year time the scientists discovered that they didn't know the half of what they had done. But by the time they figured it out it was too late. The damage was already done and there was no going back.

Now it's the year 2401 and a new breed of human has taken over the planet. They call themselves Shifters. Shifter's now out number humans 5 to 1. They are stronger, faster and have the advantage of their animal side. At first humans outnumbered Shifters 20 to 1, but sense shifters live longer than humans and they reproduce faster they quickly caught up. Shifters lived in the shadows for years after they were created. Walking alongside their human counterparts.

In the 2300's a devastating virus took out almost 50% of the human population giving shifters a clear advantage, not long after that the shifters took over, but it was really the best for everyone. The virus altered both the shifters and humans DNA. Half the remaining humans would periodically regress emotionally and developmentally. Another effect of the virus caused humans to grow no taller than 5' 5". Though shifters were already taller than most humans after the virus they grew even taller. Now most shifters grow to around 7' tall, but the most devastating effect of the virus was that most shifters could no longer have children with other born shifters. Though the shifter population still rose it was much harder to have children.


Now nearly 100 years later humans and shifters have found ways to co-exist with each other. That is where my story starts. My name is Ashlynn. I am turning 18 in three days, and I can't wait. At 18 all humans and shifters are evaluated. There are 2 classifications with 7 sub-classifications you could fall under.

The two main classifications are Dominant or Submissive. Most humans fall under the Submissive classification. From there you get categorized into one of the four sub classifications: sub, slave, pet, or little. Then there are Dominants. Most shifter's fall under the classification. From the Dominant classification comes three sub classifications: Dom, Master/Mistress, or Daddy/Mommy. The Master sub classification can be broken down even more for a Master/Mistress for a pet or a Master/Mistress for a slave.

Dominant humans are tasked with repopulation of the humans. Enter my parents Marcus and Delaney Lupo. I am not a Lupo because I don't have a classification. Once I receive my classification I will be sent to a school for my classification where I will be paired with a Dom who will then give me their family name.

Now, back to my parents. The Lupo family line are run by Wolf Shifters who mostly classify as Daddy/Mommy Dominants. My father was trained by a School for Daddy/Mommy Doms and Littles from the Lupo family, while my mother was trained by a School for Master and Slaves from the Lupo family. They met at a get together for the Lupo family and partitioned the family for permission to marry.

Once married they were told they must produce 3 children in five years, or they will be split up to ensure a more compatible pairing. Well five years went by, and they had only produced 2 children. My parents were divorced. My father was married off to another almost immediately whereas my mother had to wait. Two months after my parents' divorce my mother found out she was pregnant with me. She blamed me for my their split because I didn't show fast enough to save their marriage. My father had taken the two older children with him leaving me all alone with my mother.

She had to have a hysterectomy with me leaving her non-eligible to remarry. So, for the last 17 and 11 months she reminded me every day of everything I cost her. I have always been short, even for a human. I am only 5' tall. The Classification test is required. Most people my age have already taken a pre-classification test but since they aren't mandatory my mother refused.

18 years olds are expected to be in good health when reporting for classification. It is a standard rule to treat all minors under 18 as Littles, the most protected classification we have. Submissives of any kind are to be protected but Littles are rare now. Back when the virus first happened Littles outnumbered all other submissive classifications, but due to abuse before the schools started Littles were almost wiped out.

Now back to me in three days I turn 18 which means that a representative from the Lupo family will be here to take me to the classification center. I am not in the best shape; my mother has never been able to curb her anger. Right now, my mother is upstairs packing her things. Why, you ask. Well, the truth is I am at death's door. After two weeks of holding back her beatings my mother snapped. As I lay here fighting for my life she is planning her escape. See those found to abuse their children are put to death. With the laws protecting Littles and minors the strictest they have ever been you don't even get a trial. My mother knows what's coming for her, so she is ready to go.


Third Person POV

The young woman laying on the floor does not have long left. She is slowly slipping away. Three days ago, her mother left her to die. She is close to giving up. She is growing weaker, but her life is about to change. For at the door right at this very moment stands a young wolf shifter. He is about to knock on the door.

Daddy's Precious Little GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon