First Day Part 2

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No Ones POV

The room was in utter chaos but it only took one long high pitched whistle from Mr. Delas to get it under control. He watched as the Bigs each took charge of a Little. The two that were fighting over the stuffed bear were crying and the Bigs looking after them had taken it upon themselves to sit with each separating them, the stuffed bear soon forgotten. All seemed good until the teacher looked over at his newest student. She was hyperventilating, her breaths coming in face and shaky. Mr. Delas rushed over to a wide-eyed Lana. She had absolutely no idea what to do. He reached for the small girl, but before she was in his arms she passed out. Having an idea of what happened the teacher ordered the Bigs to watch over the Littles while he handled what was going on with his newest Little. After stopping by the classroom next to his asking the other caregiver teacher, Mrs. Abrams, to look in on his class for him, he headed to the nurses office.

Walking in without knocking Mr. Delas settled Ashlynn down on the medical bed. He raised both side rails before turning to face the nurse. "What happened Dean?" Anthony was one of three nurses the school employed for during school hours. After school hours the clinic near the residential floors was used. "She had a panic attack, not really sure what caused it, but I recognize the signs." Mr. Delas said, kicking himself for not going over her file. He had so many new students over the last couple of weeks and hadn't had the time to read all the files like he normally did. Anthony spoke up then. "Was it noisy in the room, any shouting? Did anyone yell at her directly? Did anyone hit her? Did you already assign a caregiver to her?" Mr. Delas didn't like his line of questioning. He thought back to his classroom. "Yes, there was yelling and two Littles were fighting over a toy. It looked as if they may have run right over Ashlynn and another Little. As I was getting control of the class Ashlynn was picked up by one of my students, she looked panicked and before I could step in she passed out. I brought her down here to recover. I hadn't assigned anyone to her yet. I haven't been able to read over her file. I thought I would just watch her and see who she gravitated to, but I think I know the perfect caregiver for her." and he did. There was only one student in his class that had already had a Little. His first Little had died of an asthma attack. Shifter blood can do a lot but fixing things like asthma or anemia aren't really what it is used for. He really hoped Ethan was ready for a new Little. Mr. Delas really believed they would both benefit from each other.


Ethan's POV

"... so yes, you may be the Dom, but that does not mean you hold all the power. The relationship between you and your Little needs to be equal in power." Mr. Delas was teaching. Ethan already knew all this. He had already had a Little but Duncan had been born with asthma. He was sick for most of his life and no one was surprised he was classified as a Little. For three years Ethan and Duncan were happy. Duncan was the perfect little boy. Even though he was always sick, he always had a smile on his face. Duncan's Little age was 3. Just as Ethan was about to get completely sucked in to his memories shouting and crying rips through Mr. Delas's teaching and his memories. Looking over to the Little's play area Ethan noticed two littles fighting over what looked to be a stuffed bear. But that wasn't what caught his eye. It was the Little at their feet. She had been startled by the two fighting. Her hands had gone to her ears and she tried to close in on herself.

Ethan watched as the rest of the Doms and Mr. Delas rush over to the play area. Ethan stayed back watching the new Little. He knew from his experience with Duncan not to touch someone having a panic attack after being startled. Apparently not everyone knew that. Just as Ethan was standing to stop the girl from touching the Little, a loud whistle cut through the room. Silence descended and the girl had reached the Little and was trying to cradle her, but the Little freaked. The girl holding the Little had no idea what to do. Mr. Delas reached them just as the Little passed out. Mr. Delas took the girl out of the room after telling the Doms to take care of the Littles. The girl was still standing there as he walked out of the room. She looked so defeated. Ethan had to check on her. She obviously had good intentions but just didn't read the signs right.

"You okay?" He asked her. The girl jerked her head towards Ethan before she straightened and plastered a fake smile on her face. "Yeah, I'm good." she said, her fake smile dropping as she turned away. She turned back to Ethan and took a deep breath. She looked as if she wanted to say something. He waited a beat but when she didn't say anything he spoke up. "She was having a panic attack. She was startled, I learned the hard way to never touch a startled Little having a panic attack." He said miserably. "I definitely know that now. I just thought she was scared, not panicked. I'm Lana by the way." the girl said, holding out her hand. Ethan took her hand and shook it.

"Ethan, did you want her as a Little?" Ethan asked, not really sure why he wanted to know. Lana chuckled. "Honestly I would love to have her as my Little, but she doesn't want a Mommy. I'm her Dorm Dom so I have gotten the chance to take care of her last night and this morning. When I asked her this morning what kind of caregiver she wanted she got this strange look on her face when I said Mommy. Her file mentioned she'd been abused as a child but not by who. I'm assuming it was her mom." Ethan didn't like that. It made her even more vulnerable as a Little. Ethan was just thinking about keeping an extra eye on her when his cell buzzed. It was Mr. Delas asking for him to meet him in the office. He wasn't sure what the teacher wanted but he made his way to the office. He wanted to check on the new Little anyway.

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