First Day Part 3

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 Walking into the office I was immediately greeted by my teacher. "Ethan, could you follow me please?" Mr. Delas asked not really waiting for an answer. I followed him to a side room. Mr. Delas slapped a file down on the table in the center of the room and motioned for me to pick it up. I noticed that it was a student file. In fact it was my student file. When I picked it up I couldn't open it. I knew what was in that file. I knew I would see 'him' in there. My baby boy. I had been to therapy for my grief, I knew what happened to Duncan wasn't my fault. Knew before I even took Duncan on that his time would be limited, but that didn't stop the pain. The memories were both a blessing and a curse, but it was the picture in the file that haunted me. The one of his little boy with tubes and wires coming from his small body. The bold red lettering stating that his little boy is deceased. I held the file like it had wronged me.

"Ethan, I know that you have just returned, and that what I am about to ask will be hard but I need you to open your file. I need to know if you are dealing with Duncan's death. I need you to be ready for something that I think will benefit you down the line but it can't wait." I was angry, of course he was dealing with Duncan's death, he was here wasn't he. He was taking classes with Littles again. Knowing that it was only a matter of time before he was either chosen by a Little or assigned one. He didn't need to see Duncan lying in that hospital bed to prove that. I placed the file down on the table and stepped back. "I don't need to see him that way, to tell you that I am dealing with his death. He was my little boy, but I would not have come back here if I wasn't ready. It has been two years. I am not the same 21 boy who lost his whole world. I miss my Duncan everyday, but I know that I can love another. None will take his place but I know there is another Little out there that needs the kind of love I can give." I was breathing hard and Mr. Delas just watched him for a moment before he nodded his head.

"Right, then I need you to look over this file and tell me what you think." Mr. Delas placed another file on top of mine. This was a Little file. The baby pink coloring signaling a Little girl. I read the name. 'Ashlynn' The name doesn't sound familiar but he doesn't know all the little yet. I pick up the file, after a quick glance at Mr. Delas I open the file. Horrified, I closed it quickly. What kind of sick joke is this? "That's not Duncan, look closer." When nothing happens Mr. Delas continues. "Ethan, I know it was hard to see but it is not Duncan, this Little needs an experienced caregiver. I think this could be good for the both of you. Please open the file back up." Picking the file back up I cautiously opens the file. Now that he takes a second look he can tell that the poor person in the picture is definitely not his Duncan. This is a Little girl. She has so many tubes coming from her and her poor little body is covered in marks. So much bruising and damage. What happened to her? Moving past the picture I reads the medical information. Several broken ribs, multiple broken bones, some that healed improperly. She had internal bleeding. Man she really went through a lot.

It also states that her mother was the guilty party and has already been put to death for her crimes. I feel sick knowing that a parent could do that to their child.How could she? I jolt when I feel a hand land on my shoulder. "I know, I just found out also. I don't know how anyone could do that to a child let alone their own child, but it happened. We are going to make sure nothing like it happens again. This is Ashlynn." Me Delas says turing the page to a picture of an adorable girl. Her bright hazel eyes and beautiful brown skin not showing what she's been through. When I saw her earlier in class I would have never known. "Why are you showing me this?" Mr. Delas walked away from me and sat at the table motioning for me to do the same. "Well, I going to get straight to the point. I know we try to let Caregivers and Little choose each other naturally but the truth is that Ashlynn is going to need an experienced Caregiver, but she also need to be the only Little in that dynamic. Right now all our other experienced Caregivers already have Littles. You are the only one that doesn't and you are experienced with Littles who have panic attacks. I think the two of you could benefit from having each other. You will still have a trial run but I think this could be good for you."

When he is done talking he just stares at me. He wants me to be Ashlynn's Caregiver? I mean I was curious about her bet a traumatized Little is a huge responsibility. I haven't even met her yet. She might not like me and I would hate to traumatize her even more. "Don't decide right now. Why don't you spend the rest of the day with her and let me know in the morning. You will be given temporary Daddy privialiges for the day. I want you to bring her back to class when she is ready and then you will take her to lunch. You can take her along with you to your afternoon classes if you feel she needs the support or you can sign her into the Daycare. Her first afternoon class is the daycare anyway. Then you will take her for the evening. You are allowed to help her get ready for dinner then bed, but you must be out of her room by 8.Then in the morning you will be expected to help her get ready for the day and get some breakfast before reporting to my class. There I will ask you both if you would like to continue for the full week trail. Also you both will be able to page either me or the Head Mistress if you want to stop earlier than that." Again when he is done talking he just stares at me.

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