New School

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Ashlynn's POV

The next week flew by. I was released from the hospital and taken to a big building. Mr. Alex and Mrs. Emma stayed with me the whole time. Frist we went and saw a tall lady with bright pink hair. I liked her. She seemed really nice. She said her name was Amelia, but she told me I could call her Mia. Mia asked me a bunch of questions, some of them made me sad, like the ones about my mother. She asked those first and said that it was okay if I didn't want to answer those ones. I answered the ones I could but some I just let hang out there. Next Mia asked me questions about things I like. I couldn't answer most of those questions. I didn't know what I liked. I never had choices before.

After I was done answering questions Mia took me into another room. This one had a weird table on one wall. It looked like a tall couch with no arms. On one end was a roll of paper. Mia pulled the paper over the table and told me to hop on top of it. When I did I felt a hard cushion under the paper. I didn't like it. Mia told me to wait there. When she left I felt cold. The room was freezing. I jumped when the door opened, but it was just Mrs. Emma and Mr. Alex. I was going to ask them what was going on but someone else followed them into the room. He was really tall. Not as tall as Mr. Alex but still really tall. He towered over me, even sitting on the really tall table. He smiled at me and I tried to move away from him but Mrs. Emma held me in place with a hand on my knee.

"It's okay Ashlynn, this is Dr. Abrams. He is going to make sure you are all ready for school." she said while she rubbed my back. I was comfortable with her and Mr. Alex, but when the doctor started talking to me I still tried to get away from him. I couldn't answer him when he asked me questions. Luckily Mrs. Emma knew all the answers. Mrs. Emma sat next to me when it was time for him to examine me. He didn't do much, he just checked my eyes, and ears with a really bright light, then put this really cold thing against my chest and back. It was attached to his ears. I was breathing really hard when he touched me but Mrs. Emma held my hand. He was done quickly.

"Okay Miss Ashlynn, all done with that. You were so brave." Dr. Abrams said. I smiled at his praise. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. "Okay, I'm going to send in the nurse to get some blood work and administer the classification shot." He said. Wait, shot! Maybe I was wrong. He is bad. I started shaking as he left the room. "No, shot." I said to Mrs. Emma. She gave me a sad look, then she looked at Mr. Alex. "It's okay, Ashlynn. You need the shot to tell your body it's okay to show us your classification." He said as he sat on my other side. I was still shaking and I realized too late what he was doing. The door opened again and in walked an older looking lady. She wasn't that tall, but she looked like she meant business. Before I knew what happening my arm was being held by Mr. Alex and the old lady came over and stuck a long needle in my arm. I screamed and tried to pull my arm free but Mr. Alex had a strong grip on it.

She filled two clear skinny tubes up before pulling out the needle and putting a bandage on it. "Good girl, I know that was scary. We are almost done." Mrs. Emma said. Almost done? I turned to ask her what she meant when I felt a coldness on my shoulder. I looked back just in time to see the evil old lady come at me with another needle. She stuck it in my arm and a burning sensation came from the needle. Before I could even cry out I felt my body become heavy. Then everything around me went black. When I woke up I was back in the room I was staying in with Mr. Alex and Mrs. Emma. My arm was sore but the burning was gone. I climbed out of the bed in search of someone. I didn't like to be alone.

When I came out of the room I saw Mr. Alex sitting at the table. He was reading something but he put it down as he heard me approach. "How are you feeling, sweet girl?" he asked. For some reason tears instantly welled up in my eyes and I ran to him. He opened his arms and pulled me up onto his lap as I cried. "I'm sorry sweet girl. I know that must have hurt and frighted you, huh?" I nod remembering the mean lady with the needles. Some part of me knows I should be mad at him for holding my arm but I just can't. He and Mrs. Emma have been by my side since I woke up in the hospital. Everything they have done was for my own good. Anyway, that was three days ago. Mia has come over a few times and we have colored a bit and watched t.v. I was never allowed to do either of those things before. Coloring is so peaceful. I can color for hours. Most of the time I zone out when coloring but Mia doesn't seem to mind she just talks with Mrs. Emma when I zone out.

Then yesterday, while watching t.v. Mia asked, "Ashlynn, are you ready for tomorrow?" I was confused. "Tomorrow?" I asked unsure what she was talking about. Mia looked over to Mrs. Emma before she turns back to me. "Yeah, you start school tomorrow." Mia says. "I, I don't have my classification yet. I can't start school tomorrow." I state looking up at Mrs. Emma. "Mia, I was waiting until Alex got back to tell her." she says. Mia apologies before she excuses herself. "Ashlynn, Darling. Come sit next to me." she says as she patted the seat next to her. That was how I found out that I was classified as a Little. I know I should have been happy, but the truth is I am terrified. As a child I was supposed to be treated as a Little, but if how my mom treated me is how Little's are treated I don't think I will make it.

Now I'm sitting here in front of a huge desk. Mr. Alex drove me here and is sitting next to me. Across from us is a scary looking lady. I know she is a shifter by her height alone. She also gives off a don't mess with me vibe. Her and Mr. Alex has been talking for what seems like forever. I zoned them out pretty quickly as I looked around the room. I have never been to an actual school. My mother taught me at home, and by taught I mean she asked questions and if I answered wrong she beat me. The room looks kind of like my mother's office back at home, but everything here is much bigger. I noticed that at the Classification Center also. Everything is like twice the size it was back home.

Mr. Alex taps me on the leg to get my attention. "Alright Precious, I am going to leave you in the very capable hands of Head Mistress Edington. She is in charge around here. She has my number and will call me if needed but I suspect you will have fun here. I will be back to check on you in two weeks. Okay?" I'm crying before he even finishes. I shake my head as I climb down from my chair and cling to his leg. I don't want him to go. "Ashlynn, I have to go. You will be fine. Head Mistress Edington is going to show you around." He picks me up, placing me on his chair before turning and walking out the door. I startle when a large hand starts rubbing my back. "It's okay Little One. He will be back in two weeks." she says while holding up two fingers. Strangely enough up close she isn't as scary. I nod, wiping my tears. She smiles and straightens. Okay Little One I am going to show you around. Then I will take you to your dorm." she says holding out her hand to me.

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