I'm Having Fun

Beginne am Anfang

"I don't think they really want to meet with me," Ayden hesitated. Chaos took her hand and led her into the other room.

"Oh she's back," Charlotte grimaced. Blair glared at the brown-haired girl from across the table.

"I suggest you start acting nicer before I curse you because I don't like it when my girlfriend has that face," Esme offered. Blair had a disgusted look as she stared at Charlotte. "Also my dragon likes her so watch your back."

"I'm not afraid of your dragon and stop saying Girlfriend, we all know okay, you've said it a hundred times." Charlotte leaned back in her chair as her brother rested his head on his arms.

"I just have to make it abundantly clear she's mine," Esme smirked as she took a bite of her Dorito.

"Why don't we all just calm down." Knox offered. Ayden nodded.

"So you're going to fight Kronos?" Dean changed the subject. "He's like in your brother or something."

"Yeah." Ayden gave Chaos a side-eye. "He's in my friend. There's two which is the biggest issue I have." She didn't know they were that close for her to share that kind of information.

"And that's why you chose to shorten your life?" Charlotte asked. She took a long drink of her water. "Pathetic, if you ask me. All that power and you're going to waste it."

"I didn't actually," Ayden shot back. Each of them turned and smirked a little. It was their way of giving silent approval. "I'm only here to make sure none of you are choosing the wrong side in the war."

"Are you going to kill us?" Knox asked. It was a question about their lives yet none of them seemed threatened in the slightest, it could have been becuase Ayden was a few years younger than them, but she was much much stronger. 

"Depends on whose side you're on," She tilted her head as she analyzed them. She relaxed all the musclees in her face staring at each of them. The only ones to seem affected by the change were Dean and Knox both of them sat up as they realized.

"None of us are getting involved in the war, if the gods fall they fall," Dean offered. He waved his hand through the air. "We don't care about them, since they never cared about us and we aren't about killing each other. It's a waste of talent."


"Was that all you came for?" Charlotte glared at her. "I mean seriously what are you their bed dog," Ayden smirked a little.

"Let's go outside."

"Gladly," Charlotte got off the stool quickly.

"I wouldn't," Dean warned Ayden, but Chaos was smirking near the wall. She knew Ayden would be able to handle the fire-wielding brat.

"I wanna see this," Esme walking out as she dragged Blair with her. Ayden was the first out, she ran her hand over Nim's scaled as she woke up flicking her tail around.

"Where's Thalassa?" Ayden asked.

"Who?" Charlotte asked. Ayden rolled her eyes and looked at Chaos as she came from the house.

"She's on her way, she would never miss this." Ayden didn't even have her hands up when Charlotte started shooting fire from her hands.

She wasn't afraid of the fire as much anymore. It still tinged her skin if she felt the heat, but she could fight through that. Ayden teleported behind her as she turned around. She shoved her palm into her face crushing her nose. Charlotte stumbled back grimacing.

"Ah, you bitch, what is that your power, to run?" She dropped her hand as the blood dropped onto the dirt.

"Lottie," Dean warned. Charlotte let out a wave of fire around herself as Ayden teleported away from her.

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