I Know You're Tired

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, well Cameron used to say that if you spoke to the trees they would listen. I didn't have a body to bury, so instead I sort of made a memorial." Ayden picked up one of the rocks. It was a deep red.

"Does she listen?"

"I don't know," she walked down the path. "Gods, I hope so."

"She was your best friend," Tyson added. "She was very pretty." Ayden smiled as they came around the corner. She knelt down and carefully placed the new rocks around the older ones as the rings encased the base of the tree. "She loved you."

"I would like to think that, but I don't think so. The world isn't that fair." Tyson put his large hand on Ayden's shoulder. It was her burn, but it didn't hurt. His touch was light and comforting.

"You're a good person." Ayden stood up turning to him.

"Do you really think so?"

"Yeah," Tyson smiled. "Percy wouldn't like you if you weren't a good person and you've been nice to me since the first time I met you." Ayden felt her eyes burn as she leaned forward hugging him. "I like hugs."

"I know, Ty." She laughed. Ares stood behind them and cleared his throat. He thought it was an appropriate time to visit her after this small battle, but he was wrong. "Ares?" Ayden stared at her father.

"Daddy?" Tyson pointed at him. Ayden gently guided his finger down.

"Ty, can you give us a minute." Tyson patted Cameron's tree and walked down the path back to the center of camp. He had to push tree limbs aside so they didn't hit him in the face as he walked through.

"You're friends with a Cyclops?" Ares crossed his arms.

"What are you doing here?"

"Believe it or not, but I'm here to check in on you." He moved closer until he could see the initials carved into the tree.

"Yeah, I don't believe that. Are you here to warn me that they're trying to kill me again? Am I in trouble? What do they need?"

"That can wait, but how are you doing? I know you've been down in the Labyrinth for over two weeks." Ares wanted to reach out to her, but she crossed her arms stepping back as she looked back at the cabin.

"I'm fine. I'm not in the Labyrtingh anymore. It's gone."

"I also heard about that," Ares smiled. "My daughter stopping the Labyrinth. I'm proud of you." Ayden pressed her lips together as she stared at the tree.

"I don't care." She breathed. "I don't want your praise for killing people. I'm a murderer and you're pride makes me feel like crap."


"You're a murderer too, why don't you have more remorse for the people you've fought in battle." She stared at him as his soft expression hardened.

"Why are you acting so childish, you love fighting. You like the thrill of the way you're body won't stop fidgeting until you get a sword in your hand."

"I don't want that. I don't want to fight anymore," She rubbed her forehead. "I'm tired of it."

"You don't think others are tired of it too. You aren't the only demigod child with a rough childhood Ayden. Others have had it just as worse." Ares shook his head. "You are selfish to only think about your own problems. You all have issues it comes with being half god."

"I hate you."

"Never asked you to do anything else, but I do want to know this," He grabbed her arm. "Why did you get these if you weren't going to use them to do something? I thought you got them to protect your friends and you're doing a real shit job of that." He gestured to the tree in front of them. C. E. craved into the bark. "When you took these marks you sealed your own fate. You had the option to deny the em, but you didn't. You accepted. You gave yourself these weapons so that you could fight anyone, you don't have a choice anymore and don't try to blame me for your need to have power. That comes from yourself."

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