She's A Real Bad Girl And She Makes The Men Sweat

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He scrunched his features. "Huh? No."

I patted the cushion beside me, inviting him to sit but he remained standing, leaning against the fireplace mantel and crossing his arms. "So, then what gives?" I pressed. "Why can't I be here? And why did you lock the door?"

"Oh gee, I don't know," he retorted sarcastically. "Maybe it's nice to have some privacy every once in a while."

I tossed up my hands. "I busted in on you naked one time. Get over yourself. The sight wasn't even anything that special and if I'm being brutally honest, I'm still attempting to erase the image from my brain."

It wasn't a complete lie. The last statement was certainly true. I was desperately trying to forget his rock-hard body and put all lust-fueled thoughts about him out of my mind.

"Thanks for the flattery but no, that's not what's going on." Abruptly, he averted my gaze and stared down at the carpet.

"Are you dying?" I whispered.

His head shot up at me. "What? No. How did you immediately jump to that conclusion?"

I shrugged.

Sighing, he rubbed the back of his neck. "Listen, I'm just going to come out with it. V wasn't exactly thrilled with you giving me a massage so I sort of promised her that I wouldn't hang out with you anymore." He chanced a peek at me, guilt washed all over his face.

"What?!" I cried, springing up. "You agreed to throw away our entire friendship because she got jealous that my hands made contact with the skin of your back?"

I wiggled my fingers. "Oooh, my apologies," I bit out. "I didn't realize that I was touching sacred territory."

He blew out his breath and rushed over towards me. He started to reach out for my hands but thinking better of it, he immediately pulled himself back.

"Addison, please try and understand the position she was putting me in," he pleaded. "It wasn't an easy decision but when given an ultimatum, you know I have to choose my girlfriend."

I turned away from him so that he couldn't see the tears threatening to spill down my cheeks at any moment, a tide of hurt ready to flood my skin. I palmed at my eyelids. "You didn't have to choose her," I muttered. "You could have fought for me."

He placed a gentle touch on my shoulder. "Addie, I truly am sorry..."

I yanked myself away from him before whirling around and jabbing a finger in his chest. "God, you are so blind!" I shouted, my words quivering with fury. "When are you going to see how much I care about you? Because if you stopped for a second and realized that you mean something to me then maybe you wouldn't keep shutting me out of your life."

He pressed his lips together, the muscles in his jaw working. Finally, he spoke. "I feel horrible about this..." He whispered softly. "Believe me."

I scoffed. "Yea, right. So terrible that when Vanessa told you to jump, your immediate response was, how high?"

"Then I guess I should be going now, shouldn't I?" I huffed, trying to keep the seething rage from infiltrating my voice. "I would hate for you to get into trouble with your girlfriend. Who knows what punishment she will think up for you next."

"Addison don't be like this," he warned.

Gathering my purse and jacket, I tossed a glance at him from over my shoulder. "Can I just ask you one question?"

He shrugged. "Sure, I suppose so."

"Do you have feelings for me?"

"What?" He squinted his eyes, his expression quizzical.

"Answer the question, Matt," I snapped.

I could have sworn he visibly shuddered at the question as though the idea of him and I together was that revolting. "God, no!" He spat out, gesturing at me. "You're so-"

He had the decent sense to stop himself from finishing that sentence before I knocked him out cold. Instead, he held up one palm. "No." He shook his head vehemently. "Noooo."

"You're an asshole," I muttered in response. "You know that? You should be so lucky to call me your girlfriend."

He raised an eyebrow at me, a smirk plastering his lips. "What happened to your spiel about how precious I am to you?"

I made a face of disgust. "Mmm...and yet, this feeling of abhorrence is telling me otherwise."

Matt leaned against the couch, the grin never leaving his mouth as he looked me up and down. "What do you care if I have feelings for you or not? Are you trying to tell me that you're all hot and bothered for the Matt Man?'

I shoved at the couch hard, causing him to stumble for balance as his support moved away from him. My cheeks flaming scarlet, I huffed loudly. "First off, don't ever refer to yourself as that again. And second, not even if you were draped in French fries."

Folding my arms across my chest, I studied him. "I'm only trying to make a point. If there's nothing romantic between us, then why are you letting Vanessa control our friendship? We didn't do anything wrong, Matt."

He swiped at his jaw. "Listen, Addie, I'm sorry that you're upset. I am too. The situation sucks but she's my girlfriend and if my spending time with another female makes her uncomfortable then I'm going to respect that. From her perspective, I can see why what you and I did would appear to have crossed a line."

I rolled my eyes, my patience wearing paper thin. "Matt, she doesn't trust you with any female. Can't you see how unhealthy that is? She's just going to keep isolating you from anyone that has a pair of breasts."

"Addie, that's not fair-"

"And what kills me," I yelled, cutting him off. "Is that you so willingly let her because you're that damn eager to please."

His steely eyes grew dark as his features twisted into pure venom. "I don't have to listen to this," he ground out. "Until you have a serious relationship of your own, your opinion on something you know nothing about, holds zero value to me."

He gestured at the door. "Now, I'm not going to tell you again. You need to respect my choice and leave."

I stared at him, my jaw dropping open. "Unbelievable," I spat out. "I've always been there for you, and this is how you treat me?"

"Well, guess what?" I cried. "When your relationship goes up in flames, don't come seeking me out to cry on my shoulder. I'm through with you!" Swiveling on my heel, I stormed out of the house that I was naïve to have ever believed that I was welcomed into in the first place.

Girl You Fucked Before (18+)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat