Chapter 7

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         Never in my life would have I expected to fall in love with someone the same gender as me. I was raised to basically get with some random guy that met my parents expectations, and I never even really wanted to do that myself. I never really wanted to get with a guy because I found them very objectifying and gross. Another thing is when I lived with my parents, even though I was supposed to be with a boy from my school or church apparently, they never allowed me to talk with anyone of the opposite gender. Interesting right? They want me to be with some guy that's my age and of their taste, but then they don't allow me to talk to any guys until I turn like god knows what age. Really? What does that cause. That causes me to not know how to talk to any guys or be with them. I didn't know what sex or dating was either. I am still figuring it out to this day. Even when I tried to date some guy, my parents got pissed and called the police on him when I was 19 years old. What idiots right? Once I got out of the house, I determined that whoever I happened to get with next, that was who I was staying with, and I would keep them a secret from my parents forever, and all would be alright in the world. I successfully had a few flings before my first relationship with some guys who either cheated on me or became uninterested in me once they found out how sexually innocent I was. I had like three guys I fell for temporarily until they ended up messing with me somehow. The first guy got with my school bully, and then my parents found out about him and made me block him. The second one ended up cheating on me right in front of my face. The third and fourth one only tried to traffick me and I caught on and cut them off. They were literally trying to find out my ability to handle uncomfortable sexual shit, and I didn't like it at all. I don't even consider them real exes honestly because I never even physically connected with any of them on any significant level. 

           So to put it simply, I never expected to fall for anyone until it started to happen. People get feelings for me first most of the time. Since I am asexual, I am very boring and don't know anything about sex or dating, but sometimes people fall for me, and I end up falling for them in return. So here is what happened:

          One day, this innocent and nice looking girl came up to me after class at my college and asked me for a ride to her school which was like 5 minutes down the road by car. I thought to myself, 'she looks friendly and truthworthy enough, I can see it in just the way she looks. also, I can finally show off my car to someone, I am glad she of all people asked me.' I could tell right away she was good natured, and she sure looked professional in her culinary chef outfit, with her curly brown hair pulled back in a neat pony tail. Intelligence and confidence exuded from her, I saw more confidence in her than I saw in myself. Our schedules also somehow aligned perfectly. After she needed to be to her school, I had class in the same building as her in an hour from then so it worked perfectly. I was in GLMA, and she was in GLCI. It is something else that our totally different schools were right next to each other. 

          As things progressed, I noticed that Scarlet was surprised to see that I was answering her texts and taking her places whenever she needed to. One time she asked me to take her to the market to get a thermometer for her baking class I believe. I took Scarlet to the places she needed to go before class, and I found that I definitely enjoyed hanging around her because we offered each other things to do and places to be. I missed doing little things like that ever since I left my best friend behind. I felt like I had purpose again, I felt good for helping her get places she needed to go. One day she texted me before I was getting in the shower in my old dorm, and asked me why I respond to her and do things with her. I said, "Because I enjoy doing those things with you." She seemed surprised then asked me if I wanted to hang out or go to the mall sometime. I said yes definitely. We went lots of fun places like the mall, Great Wolf Lodge, Walmart, and even a cool abandoned train tunnel once. One day she asked me to come over to watch a movie with her after a day of classes, and I agreed to do it. I came over, and for some reason, I began to feel her laying behind her. I had never really done that with anyone before. I was fascinated and wanted to feel more I guess. We had our first kiss that night, and it was the gentlest and nicest feeling kiss I ever had with anyone before. The few other kisses I had gotten before were really gross or sloppy or manly, but this one was different. It just felt like flowers, and our bodies felt nice together. It just felt right. 

          Scarlet was with someone when we first met, and he was very abusive towards her, verbally and physically. I could tell he hurt her a lot, and I believe that I helped her get away from him just by being there. That was what she needed, because I couldn't imagine if she were to ever meet him in real life. That would have been scary.  This guy, who we will call crazygamer, was very suspicious. This boy would literally talk about killing people and eating their bodies after dragging them away. He is the sickest of sickos. Another terrible thing is that he became a pedophile after breaking up with Scarlet, and literally started dating someone who was like 13 years old. Mind you, he is over 18 years old. It doesn't get any more disgusting than that. There were other things he exposed Scarlet to as well that are simply unmentionable. Things that should've never been put on the internet. Things that should have never been seen or created by human kind. Things that should have remained in a black hole. It was graphic and violent, and horrific things that I would never imagine anyone getting exposed to. He is just a  fucking creep and violent sicko who should be in jail. 

          Before our first kiss, I used to sleep by her side every night Scarlet was sad. I was worried about her. I slept by her side every night, because we connected on a deeper level. She understood my trauma, and I understood and listened to hers. We had an understanding in each other that no one else ever had for me. I was so glad I met her, because she actually listened to me, and I listened to her. My last roommate did not seem to understand anything I was going through at all, so I was glad to have Scarlet in my life. I felt less alone overall for once. One day, Scarlet and I were getting frisky in my room when I was still in the same room as my last roommate, and she walked in on us, and get super embarrassed and closed the door, and was "oh gosh, I'm sorry." My last roommate didn't mean to walk in on us, but when she did, she regretted it. Now this is the first time I noticed racism directly targeted at Scarlet. So basically, we were hanging out together, me, Scarlet, and my old roommate, Cynthia. While we were hanging out after the incident, my roommate directly said "I wish that every one of the races stayed in their own distinctive clan." I was shocked, and my girlfriend said, "Why don't we not be racist." Soon after that, I moved out of Cynthia's room and into Scarlet's room. I had to persuade my girlfriend to let me because she had a bad experience with one of her previous roommates, and she didn't really want another roommate after the one she had. Apparently her last roommate called her nasty and accused her of stuff that Scarlet never did. Scarlet's last roommate was rude. Basically her old roommate would come into her room late at night and wake her up just to give Scarlet the slutty details of what she did that night, at like 3 AM. One day, her roommate just packed up and left without a trace, and blocked Scarlet for no reason apparently. 

            But more on this later. 

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