Chapter 6

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           Reality of this is, people can not really help you with housing. No one is going to swoop in and buy you an apartment, house, or anything else just because you are homeless. Even if you have a partner, they may not be able to help you pay for an apartment/house because it is far too expensive to be reasonable now a days. The most my friends or partner have been able to do for me is help me get a hotel for a few nights, and that is even expensive too. You are lucky if someone can get you a hotel for a few nights. You are lucky if you have friends or family to stay with. You are lucky if you have a car to live out of. At first I expected too much, until I realized that the price of housing in general is not possible at all. In fact, it is excessively impossible to keep up with. No wonder people who live in an actual house or apartment are broke or not doing well. Unless they have a good ass job, then there is no way they could comfortably afford one at minimum wage. That is another thing, people living off minimum wage should not be expected to be able to afford housing. It just isn't possible. 

           Today, I was lucky to wake up in a hotel after a 22 degree night outside. That is 22 degrees F. by the way. I am also lucky to be able to head out to my girlfriend's parents house tonight for the next three nights. I specifically asked my place of work to give me stretches of time off during the spring break so that I could comfortably make it to her parents house and back, since they live three hours from my girlfriend's college. During the college break, no one is allowed up in the dorm, not even the attendees themselves unless they pay 20 dollars a day. Also, the power will be turned off during the break there so we had to take all her food from inside the fridge and put it out in my car. Now my car is packed full of stuff, literally. Even though I have most of my stuff in my RV, I still have a lot of stuff in my car because my partner and I are both living out of it now that she is on break for a week from college. It is a mess trying to find places to hang out so we can get our work done as well. Sometimes we get kicked from places because we aren't allowed to sit there. We have been kicked from hotels, restaurants, and other places for sitting there too long. It is ridiculous trying to find some place to hang out especially when her dorm room is not available. In fact, I used to have my student ID from my college, and I would show the security people my id when they would ask for it. But one day, when I walked into the study hall of my old college, a security guard came up to me and snatched my id from me, and said 'gimme that." Then he slapped it down on his desk and wouldn't give it back to me, then the bastard said "You aren't allowed to use a fake ID to stay here." Like ok bitch, fuck you then. So my partner and I would just go up to her dorm so that no one could mess with us. 

           Ooops, I went on a tangent, next chapter will be how I met my partner. 

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