Chapter 10

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          Some people can be a bitch. So basically, here is another things I struggle with. This is along the same lines as not being allowed to hang out certain places for a stretch of time. So basically, my girlfriend's college has a majority of nice people in it, but some of the security guards can be a bitch and I'm afraid of them. Don't get me wrong, there have been some really nice security guards here, but there is this one guy that treats me like dogshit. Anytime he even remotely sees me around, he wants me off the premises, unless I'm with someone. One time, my girlfriend and I had a fight, so I didn't have really anywhere to go, because she wouldn't get out of my car, and so that left me with nowhere to go at all. I went inside the college for a minute to get some things done, and a fucking security guard told me I couldn't even sit in there unless I had someone with me. Like such a bitch. It was the same jackass who took my ID card. Like, what the fuck is so wrong with sitting inside a building? It's not like I'm shooting up the place, or causing a fucking issue. Like god, people need to get their priorities straight. This same shithead literally intimidated a group of kids in the cafeteria, and demanded them to put their stuff back after he assumed that they wouldn't pay for it. My kindhearted girlfriend payed for food for them after witnessing that, and they didn't even take an unreasonable amount. They just wanted a little bit of food. That man is just a fucking asshole. Most of the other security guards are nice, and I enjoy talking with some of them nonetheless. There is this really nice lady who I enjoy talking with about video games and stuff. She seems strict at first, but she really is sweet, and has let us off the hook at times for being a few minutes late for leaving the dorm. She said that at least we try to be on time unlike some of the other student pairs. We are good about respecting the rules at the college, like very respectful of the rules, attendees, and employees. A lot of the employees are familiar with us and like us as well. Most of them smile at us, and they know that we are good people who are in good standing with the college. There was this other security guard named Chance who really liked us as well. He went to work for an armor truck company, but he always would smile when he saw us, and would joke around with us a lot. He was sweet, and he would call us the crackheads, because we were always joking around or acting super random. He was super chill with us and seemed to find our randomness amusing. I gave him a sticker once, and he liked the buff panda on the sticker. LMAO. I said it was to remember us by when he left. 

          Another force I have to deal with semi-often is the police. Every officer that has dealt with me has been very nice and polite to me luckily, and I have never gotten a ticket before either. I will tell about every experience I've had with the police officers here. So the first time I was pulled over was during the day, and the officer was nice to me, and asked me where I was going, and I was straightforward with him, and told him where I was going. He just let me know that my registration needed to be updated as soon as possible. I went to the Secretary of State that same day and got it taken care of. The second time I got pulled over was at 3 AM. It was scary, but the officer was very chill, and let me know that my left blinker was out. I think he may have pulled me over because of the time I was driving for sure. I was headed to the car wash to warm up my car because it was so cold out and my car wasn't warming up. That is a pro-tip by the way. If your car has trouble warming up during the dead of winter, the car wash will warm it up because they use steaming hot water to wash cars with. I told the officer that I was going to wash my car, and he said, "Right on." He checked my insurance and registration, and drivers license, then he let me go on my way. 

          Now, one day, Scarlet was having health issues, so I called her parents and they advised me to take her to the ER to get her checked out. I took her right away in my car, and I got her a wheelchair so she didn't have to walk in. Some guy helped me get her in, and the hospital got her checked in. It was 9 pm when we went there, and I won't disclose any further information regarding the visit because of obvious confidentiality reasons. All I will tell you is that we left around 1 in the morning. On our way to our sleep spot, I got pulled over because I was driving exhausted, and I began to cry. The officer saw that I was crying, and asked if I had been drinking any alcoholic substances. Scarlet immediately stepped up for me, and explained that we had just been in the hospital up until then, and I was emotionally exhausted from it. The officer noted that my address was back the other way, and I very respectfully explained that the address was not current, and I had been homeless for several months up to this point. He seemed sympathetic, and apologized for my circumstances. He didn't have me get out of the car, and he believed us that I had not been drinking. He said that he pulled me over because I was going 10 miles under the speed limit, and he just wanted to notify me of that. He was very charismatic towards us, and said he wouldn't have an issue with us sitting there for a moment to gather ourselves before we continued driving. 

          The most recent officer I encountered was more unexpected. I was parked at a dirt parking lot at a trailhead, and I never had an issue before with any of the law enforcement there. So, I parked there one night, and stayed there overnight, and I woke up to the sound of a police radio noise behind my car. Soon there was a knock on my window, and I got into the front seat, and opened the door kind of slowly to not scare the officer. He scared me more than I scared him, I'm sure. He asked if I was alright, and I said, "Yes sir." He said, "I see that you were sleeping, and that I woke you up." I explained that I used to go to college in town, and that I could no longer afford it, but I still work at a really good job. The officer said that he used to be homeless in California and that he generally understood and sympathized with my situation to a certain extent. He just let me know that there was no overnight parking allowed there, and I told him I wouldn't park there again, and I apologized.

          Sometimes, I just don't understand why people can't park overnight in any parking lot. I don't understand how it's bothering anybody. Like there is no one parked there to begin with, the parking lot isn't going anywhere. Why can't people just park overnight anywhere? It is ridiculous. Society focuses too much on the finite things, and not enough on the big issues. A school shooting happens? Just let them off with a warning. Someone parks on a dirt parking lot? Their banned forever like they cant ever do it again. Priorities are way out of whack nowadays. Don't even get me started on soliciting. Like would businesses rather have people minding their own business or have people shooting up the place? Like what would they rather have? 

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