"I Don't Know" is also an option

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1. the condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed
2. a willful neglect or refusal to acquire knowledge which one may acquire and it is their duty to do so

The thing about asking questions is, depending on context, people always feel pressured to be polarized or borderline swear allegiance to a side.
It's always either it's black or white, but what if it's pink? What if it's neither and nothing?
Oh, android vs iOS, PlayStation vs Xbox, Nike vs Adidas, this vs that. And people will defend these things like they were paid to do so. Perhaps it's the need to feel superior to others, for whatever reason.
You can always appreciate something without having an allegiance to it, or against it.

I saw a comment on a video and it was something in the lines of: "As a BMW fan, I must say this Mercedes looks nice" and it made me laugh, to be honest.
What would have happened, if you just said, "this Mercedes looks nice"? What happened to just appreciating things, and moving on?

With that said, you don't always have to pick a side, nor have an answer. Complete knowledge of the universe was never a requirement to be alive. "I don't know" is also an option.

From my experience, people are more appreciative of valiant, even though misguided, but honest attempts.
For example: "I don't know what this is, but if I were to guess..." gives all those involved grounds for learning. In the right crowd, the answer you get isn't ridicule, but a teaching moment.
You don't have to have opinions on everything. Some things are not common knowledge, and others are more nuanced than others. Nobody likes loud and arrogant ignorance.

Now, let's talk about what you *should* know.
This is very context dependent. For example, at your place of work there must be knowledge that is standard for everyone there, or how you know to stand in line when things are done in an orderly manner, or wait for your number to be called before you can be attended to. I could go on, but I think you get the idea.
So, while you're not required to know everything, you are aware of what you should know. Hold yourself accountable to get that knowledge. Willful neglect and refusal to learn about things that you know is your duty to know is never a good look on you or your character.

But then, as always, I am not here to tell you what to do.

Slight rant aside, while you don't have to know everything, I strongly recommend learning and also indulging in the little random nuggets you are curious about. What even is a giraffe? Or an ostrich? How did they even get their names? Hell, *why* is a giraffe?
Contrary to popular belief, not everything you learn has to be with the goal of monetizing it. Self enrichment is still very valuable. You can always learn for the fun of it, and that is enough.

Complete knowledge of the universe was never a requirement to be alive. Run your curiosity wild within safe bounds.

Tis 9:42pm, I am lying in bed listening to music. Started this chapter a while ago, finally got through it. Stay safe, yeah?
Till next time, mon ami(e).

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