Nobody Cares

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So you open the refrigerator and see that, unfortunately, the food you wanted is either not there or is still in raw material form and you couldn't be bothered to cook.
You could order and have it delivered, but meh, today you feel inspired enough to go outside. So outside you go.

You get to the store, you buy what you have to buy, maybe see some familiar faces but choose not to say hi. You are inspired to go outside, not meet people after all, yeah?
You notice a few nicely dressed people, interesting hairstyles, maybe even Shazam a couple songs. Maybe buy everything but what you came for, and you return home.

If I were to ask you if you remember who walked in with you, in front of you or behind you, there are high chances you would not remember. You don't remember the color of the shirt of the person who was next to you in one of the aisles.
And nothing about your life has changed, really.

Nobody cares, in the nicest way possible. Unless you are of interest, or importance, nobody cares. And neither do you.
Just like you don't remember those people, they don't remember you either.
If you are worried people are watching, it is because you are watching.
I do not refute the existence of bad actors, or the importance of always being aware of your surroundings. Please, always mind your safety.

We all have times we think of embarrassing things we did. We can't promise nobody will remember, but just as you are thinking about yours, everyone is thinking of theirs.
Sure, once in a while we might tell the story of something we saw someone do.
But it is never important enough to be talked about, or thought about everyday.

Don't worry, really.
In the nicest way, nobody cares.

Humans are a lot more selfish than you think, and selfishness is not a bad thing in itself.
Most of us live quiet, simple and perhaps, mundane lives. And that is enough. And we all have demons we're fighting.
As for me, I know I have enough to deal with and I do not want to add to my plate.
As most people.

People have weaponized the phrase. We have all seen the 'nobody cares', 'who asked?' Comments. These are said with the intention to hurt, to make you feel small, unwanted, and in some ways, feel like an inconvenience.
But there is nothing wrong with sharing. Those who care, will care. Those who won't, won't. And that is enough.
If nobody cares, why do you?
Especially when hurt comes from people you don't even know, or don't have the slightest clue who you are?
Waste of life points, me thinks.

Everyone is writing their own story. Don't close your book to write in someone else's. And consider not letting someone else scribble nonsense in yours. You only have so many pages.

There is so much to see, there is so much to do. In your freedom, do not forget to care for yourself, for all things begin from within.
Sure, we will all die. Sure, we are not that important. But we will live, and we will be okay.
After all, nobody cares.

Tis 11:33am, I don't feel inspired to leave my bed so I will go back to sleep. I hope good things come to you.

Until next time, mon ami(e)

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