Ch.7: Namsan Tower.

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"It's been four years!! Fucking four years, San!! Still we don't know anything about him. What are we even doing as detectives". I shouted at San who was sitting in front of me.
"I don't know, Chief. There's nothing to search for about him. To be honest, first we need his face revealed so that we can search his data but that guy always roams around wearing a mask on, gloves on so no fingerprints. Moreover we still don't know where he lives and he selects remote areas to kill his target where CCTV is not present. Sometimes I feel he's literally studied how to be a serial killer". San replied in frustration.
"But we can't leave this, San. We have to do something. We have to find out about him".
"Still what and all, chief?? We literally sent drones, choppers, cop dogs-".
"Now all we have is an eye witness".
"But nobody dares to tell".
"We have to do Something. What about prize money for people who spill about him?".
"That's a GOOD IDEA CHIEF!!!". San got up in joy.
Suddenly his phone rang and his lips pressed into thin lines.
"Who's that?". I asked him.
"Haha, not important, chief". He told and rejected it.
"Okay then. What about that vernon-".
Again his phone rang.
"San. Receive it if it's important". I told him.
"No, chief. Work first". He said, making me chuckle bitterly.
"That's the only mistake I made in my entire life. I thought work comes first but no. Family and friends come first. So have you made any appointments with anyone?".
"Actually Chief, I told my friend that I'll meet now".
"Oh then you can leave".
"Yes, even I'll go to meet Minnie. It's already 7 past".
"Okay chief, thank you". He ran away.

I stopped my car in front of Yn's house and walked inside. The moment the door opened as usual my son ran to my hands. I picked my kid and walked Inside to see Yn sitting on the couch and watching TV.
"Did you have dinner? Do you want me to make something?". I asked her.
"Appa!! Mommy brought food from kookie uncle. It's so yummy". Minnie said.
"Kookie uncle?". I asked in confusion.
"Yes, kookie uncle. He's mommy's-".
"There's a new restaurant here. There the food is nice and digestible. So I decided to bring parcels from there for a few days". Yn told, cutting off, Minnie words.
"Okay, then. If you are eating well I'm happy". I smiled sadly.
"Appa! Let's go to the play room!". Minnie shouted.
"Okay!! Let's gooo!!". I held Minnie like Superman and took him to the room.


I've been waiting for this guy for the past hour in the park. There's no sign of him and more than that he's not even picking the call and fucking rejecting it. How dare he!!.
I looked at the cover which had two icecream that I brought for us but it's already started to melt up. I just took mine and started to eat. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind. I turned thinking it's San but saw Minghao standing with a smiling face.

 I turned thinking it's San but saw Minghao standing with a smiling face

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(Just think the background is night)

"Naya! What are you doing here?". He asked me.
"Nothing just chilling. What about you? You live nearby?". I asked him.
"No but I come to the gym here. I saw you from far away so I came running to show you something".
"Show me what? Come have a seat!". I patted next to my seat and took the icecream cover.
"Eating ice-cream at night? Are you planning to skip class tomorrow?". He asked me.
"Nooo! By the way, the ice cream at night feels so good. Wanna try?". I gave the ice cream which I bought for San. He's not coming so it'll melt and get wasted.
"Mmmm. It's good". He said smiling.
"I know right. Now show me what you want to show?".
"Before showing it. I'm so sorry for what Vernon did. I'll deeply apologise on behalf of him".
"It's okay, Minghao. You don't have to do it. It's not your mistake. He killed Riya, not you".
"No Naya, he didn't kill her. I'm telling the truth Vernon can never do that. Something fishy happened here. I don't know what".
"So you're telling me the texts I got were not from Vernon and there's someone who's doing this?".
"I don't know but I believe in Vernon. He's a good boy, Naya. He's just short tempered, that's it".
"Okay, leave it. You know what I wanted to show?? Any guesses?". I looked up for a minute and turned towards him, shaking my head.
He then slowly took out some papers inside his pockets and handed it to me.
I looked down and my eyes widened to see two Ariana Grande concert's ticket. I got up in shock.
"You did not-".
"It's your birthday gift from me and yeah for all the things you went through that day". He smiled.
"Thank you so much, Hao! By the way, why two? Are we going together?".
"I bought it for your sister too because I thought you won't go alone but I don't care if you want me to come instead". He said.
"Yes, let's go together. You and me". I was about to hug him but someone came suddenly out of nowhere from my right side and hugged him instead.
San? He came now? After waiting for fucking 1 hour? I'm not talking to him. He then slowly pulled back the hug, making me shocked.

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