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Dunk and Joong returned home from the doctor's office with heavy hearts, the weight of their unborn child's uncertain future hanging over them like a dark cloud. As they settled into the comfort of their living room, Dunk knew that they couldn't face this challenge alone.

Dunk: "Joong, we need to talk to our parents about this. They deserve to know what's happening."

Joong nodded in agreement, his expression grave.

Joong: "You're right, Dunk. They've been with us every step of the way, and they deserve to be a part of this too."

With a deep breath, Dunk reached for his phone and dialed his parents' number, his hand trembling slightly with nerves. Joong sat beside him, offering silent support as they waited for Dunk's parents to pick up.

After a few rings, Dunk's mother answered the phone, her voice warm and familiar.

Mrs. Natachai: "Hello, Dunk? Is everything okay, dear?"

Dunk's throat tightened with emotion as he struggled to find the words to convey the gravity of the situation.

Dunk: "Mom, Dad... there's something we need to tell you. It's about the baby."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, followed by the sound of his parents' concerned voices.

Mr. Natachai: "What is it, Dunk? Is something wrong?"

Dunk took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say.

Dunk: "The doctor found some complications with the pregnancy. There's a risk of preterm birth, and... and the baby may not be developing as it should."

There was a sharp intake of breath from Dunk's parents, followed by a heavy silence as they processed the news.

Mrs. Natachai: "Oh, Dunk... I'm so sorry, dear. Are you and Joong okay?"

Dunk felt a lump form in his throat as he struggled to hold back tears.

Dunk: "We're doing our best, Mom. But we could really use your support right now."

On the other end of the line, Dunk's parents exchanged a worried glance before his father spoke up.

Mr. Natachai: "Of course, Dunk. We'll be there as soon as we can. Just hang in there, okay?"

Dunk nodded, his heart heavy with gratitude for his parents' unwavering love and support.

Dunk: "Thank you, Dad. We'll be waiting."

As Dunk ended the call, he felt a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that they wouldn't have to face this difficult journey alone.

In the quiet moments that followed, Dunk and Joong found solace in each other's presence, their shared burden lightened by the knowledge that they were not alone. As they waited for Dunk's parents to arrive, they clung to each other, drawing strength from their unwavering love and support.

When Dunk's parents finally arrived, they enveloped their son and future son-in-law in tight, comforting hugs, their expressions a mixture of concern and determination.

Mrs. Natachai: "Oh, Dunk, Joong... we're so sorry to hear about the complications with the pregnancy. How are you both holding up?"

Dunk squeezed his parents' hands tightly, his voice thick with emotion.

Dunk: "It's been tough, Mom. But having you here means the world to us."

Mr. Natachai: "We'll get through this together, son. Whatever you need, we're here for you."

Joong nodded in agreement, his heart swelling with gratitude for Dunk's parents' unwavering support.

Joong: "Thank you, Dad and Mom. Your support means everything to us."

As they settled into the comfort of their home, Dunk and Joong found themselves surrounded by love and understanding, their hearts filled with hope for the future. In the face of adversity, they knew that they were stronger together, united in their determination to overcome whatever challenges lay ahead.

And as they looked ahead to the uncertain road that stretched before them, Dunk and Joong knew that with their families by their side, they would find the strength to face whatever the future held, together as a family.

𝐅𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 [JoongDunk]Where stories live. Discover now