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897 42 1

Dunk's heart raced as he and Joong approached the Archen household. Anxiety twisted his stomach into knots. What would Joong's parents think of him? Would they accept him, especially given the unexpected news of their impending grandchild?

As they reached the front door, Dunk's palms grew clammy, and he shot a nervous glance at Joong.

Dunk: "Joong, are you sure about this? Maybe we should wait until we have a clearer plan."

Joong gave him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand.

Joong: "It'll be okay, Dunk. My parents will understand. And I want them to know about the baby. They deserve to be a part of our lives."

Dunk took a deep breath, drawing strength from Joong's confidence, and nodded. Together, they rang the doorbell, and Dunk braced himself for whatever lay ahead.

Mr. and Mrs. Archen greeted them with warmth, but Dunk could sense the tension in the air as they settled into the living room.

Mr. Archen: "So, what brings you both here today? Everything alright?"

Dunk exchanged a nervous glance with Joong before mustering the courage to speak.

Dunk: "Actually, Mr. and Mrs. Archen, there's something important we need to discuss with you."

Mrs. Archen's eyebrows furrowed in concern.

Mrs. Archen: "What is it, dear? You both seem so serious."

Joong took Dunk's hand in his, offering silent support.

Joong: "Mom, Dad... Dunk and I are going to have a baby."

There was a moment of stunned silence as Mr. and Mrs. Archen processed the news. Dunk's heart hammered in his chest as he awaited their response.

Mrs. Archen: "A baby? But... how? Are you sure?"

Mr. Archen: "And what about your plans for the future? Have you thought this through?"

Dunk felt the weight of Mr. and Mrs. Archen's questions bearing down on him. He exchanged a nervous glance with Joong, silently urging him to help field their inquiries.

Joong: "Mom, Dad, we understand this is a lot to process. But Dunk and I have thought about this, and we're determined to make it work. We have plans in place for the future."

Mr. Archen's gaze softened, though his expression remained guarded.

Mr. Archen: "Plans? Like what, exactly?"

Dunk took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before responding.

Dunk: "Well, for starters, we're going to find a place of our own. We want to create a stable environment for the baby."

Mrs. Archen nodded in understanding, though her brow furrowed with concern.

Mrs. Archen: "And what about your careers? Are you both prepared to put them on hold for the baby?"

Dunk exchanged a hesitant glance with Joong before responding.

Dunk: "We'll need to make some adjustments, of course. But we're both committed to providing for our child, whatever it takes."

Mr. Archen's expression softened with understanding, though a hint of skepticism lingered in his eyes.

Mr. Archen: "I see. Well, this is a big responsibility, you two. Are you sure you're ready for it?"

Dunk felt a surge of determination welling up inside him.

Dunk: "We may not have all the answers right now, Mr. Archen, but we're willing to do whatever it takes to give our child the best possible life. With your support, we know we can make it work."

Mrs. Archen exchanged a meaningful glance with her husband before turning back to Dunk and Joong with a warm smile.

Mrs. Archen: "Well, Dunk, Joong... this is certainly unexpected, but we trust that you'll make the right decisions for your family. And we'll be here to support you every step of the way."

Dunk felt a wave of gratitude wash over him at Mrs. Archen's words. Though the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, he knew that with Joong by his side and the support of his parents, they could overcome anything together.

As Dunk and Joong sat with Joong's parents, the weight of their unexpected news hung heavy in the air. Dunk's nerves were on edge, uncertain of how Joong's parents would react to their plans for the future.

Joong cleared his throat, his voice steady as he addressed his parents.

Joong: "Mom, Dad, there's something else we need to discuss."

Mrs. Archen raised an eyebrow, her gaze shifting between Joong and Dunk.

Mrs. Archen: "And what might that be, Joong?"

Joong took a deep breath, his eyes meeting Dunk's for reassurance before he continued.

Joong: "Dunk and I... we've been talking, and we've decided that we want to get married."

A hushed silence fell over the room as Mr. and Mrs. Archen processed Joong's words. Dunk's heart pounded in his chest, awaiting their response.

Mrs. Archen: "Married? Of course, but this is a big step."

Dunk felt a knot form in his stomach as he waited for Joong's response.

Joong: "I understand that it's sudden, Mom, but Dunk and I are committed to each other and to our child. We want to build a future together, and marriage feels like the right next step for us."

Mr. Archen's gaze softened, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Mr. Archen: "Well, Joong, Dunk... marriage is a big commitment, but if you're both sure about this, then we'll support you."

Dunk felt a rush of relief wash over him at Mr. Archen's words. Despite their initial shock, Joong's parents were willing to stand by them in their decision.

Mrs. Archen nodded in agreement, though a hint of concern lingered in her eyes.

Mrs. Archen: "Just promise us that you've thought this through, both of you. Marriage is a serious commitment, and we want to make sure you're prepared for it."

Joong and Dunk exchanged a glance, their resolve firm.

Joong: "We have, Mom. We're ready for this. And we couldn't ask for better support than what you've given us."

As they continued their discussion, Dunk couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Joong's supportive family. And as he looked at Joong, he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as a family.

𝐅𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 [JoongDunk]Where stories live. Discover now