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Days passed, each one filled with a mix of anticipation and apprehension as Joong and Dunk navigated the complexities of their relationship and impending parenthood. Their conversations about marriage remained at the forefront of their minds, their thoughts consumed by the weight of the decision that lay before them.

One evening, as they sat together in their living room, Dunk broke the silence that hung heavy between them.

Dunk: "Joong, I've been thinking a lot about what you said... about us getting married."

Joong looked up, a flicker of hope dancing in his eyes.

Joong: "Yeah?"

Dunk nodded; his expression serious but determined.

Dunk: "Yeah. And... I think I'm ready."

Joong's heart skipped a beat, his eyes widening in surprise.

Joong: "You... you are?"

Dunk: "Yes. I've thought about it long and hard, and I realize that marriage isn't just about us anymore. It's about our baby too, and I want them to have the best possible start in life."

Tears welled up in Joong's eyes, his heart overflowing with gratitude and love for the man sitting beside him.

Joong: "Dunk, I... I don't know what to say. Thank you."

Dunk smiled, reaching out to take Joong's hand in his own.

Dunk: "There's no need to thank me, Joong. This is what's best for all of us, and I'm ready to take that step with you."

With Dunk's declaration ringing in the air, a wave of relief washed over Joong, lifting the weight that had been pressing down on his heart. He squeezed Dunk's hand tightly, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears of joy.

Joong: "I can't believe you're ready, Dunk. I... I'm so happy."

Dunk smiled, his own eyes sparkling with emotion.

Dunk: "I am too, Joong. And I'm sorry it took me so long to come to this decision. I just needed time to process everything."

Joong shook his head, his smile radiant.

Joong: "There's no need to apologize, Dunk. This is a big step, and I'm just grateful that we're on the same page now."

As they sat together, basking in the warmth of their shared moment, Joong felt a renewed sense of purpose coursing through his veins. He knew that their journey ahead wouldn't be easy, but with Dunk by his side, he felt invincible.

Joong: "So, what do you say we start planning our wedding?"

Dunk's eyes widened in surprise, a soft laugh escaping his lips.

Dunk: "Already? Joong, we haven't even talked about when or where we want to have it."

Joong shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Joong: "Details, details. We'll figure all that out together. Right now, I just want to celebrate the fact that we're getting married."

Dunk chuckled, leaning in to press a tender kiss to Joong's lips.

Dunk: "I couldn't agree more."

As they embraced, Joong and Dunk felt a sense of excitement building within them. Their journey to marriage was just beginning, but they knew that with love, patience, and a shared sense of purpose, they could overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.


Honestly, I absolutely adore slow burn stories, the kind that take their time to unfold. But when it comes to writing one, I'm at a loss, lol-

I recall reading a Brightwin story once that epitomized the slow burn concept. It was unrequited love at first, with the story gradually evolving over nearly 40 to 50 chapters. In the end, the one who seemed indifferent finally realized his feelings and they ended up getting married. MARRIED ONLY IN THE END!!

That experience truly cemented my love for slow burn narratives. But I can't write shit slow enough-

Do any of you guys love slow burns as much as I do?

𝐅𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 [JoongDunk]Where stories live. Discover now