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852 39 6

As Dunk and Joong stood at the doorstep of Dunk's childhood home, Dunk felt a mix of anxiety and determination. He knew that introducing Joong as his partner would be met with resistance from his conservative parents.

Joong sensed Dunk's tension and squeezed his hand in support.

Joong: "We've got this, Dunk. Whatever happens, I'm here for you."

Summoning his courage, Dunk rang the doorbell. When his parents opened the door, their initial smiles faded into expressions of surprise and concern at the sight of Joong.

Mrs. Natachai: "Dunk, who is this?"

Dunk hesitated, his throat suddenly dry.

Dunk: "Mom, Dad, this is Joong. He's... my partner."

There was a tense silence as Dunk's parents exchanged incredulous glances.

Mr. Natachai: "Partner? What do you mean, Dunk?"

Dunk swallowed hard, steeling himself for their reaction.

Dunk: "I mean, he's my boyfriend. We're together."

Mrs. Natachai's eyes narrowed with disapproval, and Mr. Natachai's jaw tightened in anger.

Mrs. Natachai: "Boyfriend? Dunk, we did not raise you to be like this."

Dunk's heart sank at his parents' reaction, but he stood his ground, refusing to back down.

Dunk: "I'm sorry if this upsets you, but Joong is important to me. I love him."

There was a palpable tension in the air as Dunk's parents struggled to process his words. Joong stood by Dunk's side, offering silent support.

Joong: "I understand this may be difficult for you to accept, but Dunk and I care about each other deeply. I hope you can see that."

Dunk's parents exchanged a fraught glance before Mrs. Natachai spoke, her tone laced with disappointment.

Mrs. Natachai: "We'll discuss this later. Come inside."

With heavy hearts, Dunk and Joong followed Dunk's parents into the house, bracing themselves for the difficult conversation that lay ahead.

Inside Dunk's childhood home, tension hung heavy in the air as Dunk's parents struggled to come to terms with the revelation that Dunk had a partner. Dunk could feel their disapproval like a weight on his shoulders, but he knew he had to be honest with them.

Dunk took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say.

Dunk: "There's something else I need to tell you. Joong and I... we're not just partners. I'm pregnant."

A stunned silence followed Dunk's confession. His parents stared at him, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief.

Mrs. Natachai: "Pregnant? Dunk, I... I don't understand."

Dunk felt a lump form in his throat as he struggled to find the right words to explain.

Dunk: "I know this may be difficult for you to accept, but Joong and I are committed to each other and to our child. We want to build a family together."

Mr. Natachai's jaw clenched in frustration, but before he could speak, Dunk's mother interjected.

Mrs. Natachai: "Dunk, how could you let this happen? What were you thinking?"

𝐅𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 [JoongDunk]Where stories live. Discover now