Chapter 9: The Truth (GOOD ENDING) 🤬

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[This takes place after the events of the Earth revealing himself.]

"What.." Venus says, speechless.

"Found you." Earth says, smiling slightly. "Now it's your turn to start counting."

Venus looks around as everything seems back to normal. It wasn't. It wasn't fooling him anymore.

"What the hell was that?!" Venus yells, not caring what Earth says. "IM NOT FUCKING COUNTING AFTER THAT BULLSHIT!"

"Woah! Calm down! It's all good! Everything is back to the way it was!" Earth reassures, trying to calm down Venus.

"No. You don't have that power. Tell me the truth, Earth, or I'll have no choice but to kill you and your earthlings." Venus scowls, threatening him.

Earth stays silent for a few moments before sighing and shaking his head (even though he doesn't even have one 💀).

"You just don't get it, do you..?" Earth says, his eyebrows furowing. "I was trying to help you!"

"What the hell are you talking about.. You hurt Eris.. YOU KILLED URANUS!" Venus shouts, tearing up.

"SHUT UP AND LET ME SPEAK!" Earth yells back.

Venus goes quiet.

Earth takes a deep breath before continuing.

"I will admit, hurting Eris was a mistake.. but I killed Uranus for a reason."

Venus's eyes go wide. He was confused, hurt even.

"But.. why..?" Venus asks in a shaky voice. He just couldn't understand.

"Uranus is a FREAK."

"He's not! And you can't prove otherwise!"

"Yes, I can." Earth states.

Venus seems confused, but his breath hitches when he sees Earth pull out Uranus's diary.

"One day, I was strolling past and caught a glance inside his diary." Earth explains, as he places the diary down so that Venus could see what was inside.

There were scribbles everywhere, and notes recalling traumatic events that happened millions of years ago, like when Venus and Mars lost life, or when the Earth got hit by an asteroid, killing the dinosaurs, or when the 5th gas giant was exiled.

It didn't seem like educational purposes, more like.. entertainment. There were also death threats and insults from him to others. There were messed-up doodles and other insane things.

Uranus was.. two-faced. He helped Venus.. but at what cost..? The cost of his trust? Who knows.

"How.. why..?" Venus looks back up at Earth. "Ok, ok.. but.. why did you do this to me..? I wasn't the cause.." He asks.

"It wasn't just you. I made the sun put this hallucination gas on everyone." Earth states.

Venus seems confused.

"So.. why aren't they.. freaking out like I am..?" Venus questions.

"Because you were the last one for the effects to wear off.. though you were the least violent." Earth starts. "I tasked them all with one goal.. to kill Uranus."

They both are silent for a second. Earth continues.

"The effects worked for most.. you were one of the few in which it only had minor effects."

"This is insane.. Uranus is insane.. YOUR insane.." Venus backs up. "How the hell are we going to stabilize the solar system without Uranus..?" He asks.

Earth chuckles. "Simple. We bring back the 5th gas giant."

Venus feels conflicted but realizes they don't really have a choice.

"Never do this again. I'm not friends with you anymore." Venus says coldly. "Don't talk to me, look at me, or even breathe the same space particles as me."

Earth stays silent but nods. He knows he was in the wrong but didn't regret a thing.

They parted ways, never to talk again. The solar system was in shambles, as it took a while for it to recover.

Things were never the same, but things could've ended up way worse.

One thing was for certain.

He was lucky.



(bad ending coming soon !! 🥶 what has this book become 😭😭)

Word count: 636

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