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A young teenage boy emerges from the large, elaborate doors that mark the entrance into the white castle he calls his home. The sky above him is studded with stars, and the full moon shines brilliantly- it is a perfect night for him to travel to his predetermined destination.

Walking through the castle's front courtyard, he looks around at the blooming flowers, with their petals softly fluttering in the slight breeze that offers a pleasant coolness to the rather warm atmosphere. They range in color- from an invigorating red to a calming purple- and the boy is almost lost in the beauty.

Yet a cry from afar, past the castle's courtyard, causes the boy to dash to the source of the sound, his black boots clicking against the cobblestone path with an echo. His red and orange cloak flies out behind him, while his white staff is gripped tightly in his right hand, the soft light from a similarly colored crystal dimly lighting the way.

Finally reaching the sound's origin, he meets eyes with that of a small girl, kneeling by a flowerpot. The teenage boy slowly approaches the pot, able to see a withered flower, the soil around it drowned in water. Beside the girl is a small metal watering can, though it lays on its side, empty.

The boy kneels down and turns to look at the girl, who gives out a sob. In a soft voice, he speaks to her. "Has your flower died?"

His answer is a nod. "I tried to give it water, but it won't drink any. It looks really thirsty."

Setting his staff beside him, the boy takes the pot in both his hands. Carefully, he tips the pot to one side, allowing the excess water to spill out onto the ground. Then, he lowers the pot back down and grabs his staff with his right hand. He holds out his left hand over the withered flower and closes his eyes.

"Floskinta." At his gentle whisper, the flower regains its shape and color, returning to a beautiful blue hydrangea.

The girl watches as her flower comes back to life, then to the boy as he smiles and pushes himself back up. "Ah, thank you! I promise I'll take really good care of it from now on!"

Nodding, the young teenager takes off again, finding comfort in the soft red glow of the streetlamps that line the road he walks upon. Save for the chirping of crickets, the rustling of leaves in the slight breeze, and the boy's footsteps, it is completely silent. Stopping for a moment, he spares a glance up at the stars, able to see one soar across the vast darkness.

He continues moving, remembering where he must go. Though he believes she would not mind if he were late, he doesn't want to keep her waiting for too long. Quickening his pace, his cloak flutters behind him, a wisp of flame in the otherwise peaceful surroundings. The crystal in his staff changes color from white to red, befitting the boy's mood and colors around him.

Coming to a slow stop at the black gates that lead out into the valley beyond the safest area of the kingdom, the boy looks around for a figure who appears to look like a guard or knight that could open the gates and let him through. Yet not even a shadow moves, even when the young teenager raises his staff, allowing for the crystal's light to intensify and bathe the white walls in a blood-red glow.

A voice from behind him causes the boy to turn around, and a barrier automatically forms, keeping himself safe from the person who is the source of the sound. Yet an easygoing smile soothes the boy's nerves, and the barrier is dispelled as fast as it was created. "Good evening, Your Royal Highness, Prince of Aegia. You are certainly out late at night. May I inquire as to why?" A young man stands in front of the prince, a sword with a faintly glowing silver blade resting at his left side, while his gold armor shines in the light emitted from the staff's crystal.

"Greetings, Sir Aelwyn. I wish to travel to Crystalis Cavern." The prince admits, and the knight looks past the prince's shoulder before closing his eyes and nodding.

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