Red Smoke and Mirrors

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December 23, 1989

Skylar loved Christmas. Even though the dome stayed the same blue sky and clouds, she enjoyed the festivities of the holidays. Especially when they all got to watch the Smiling Critters holiday special with a cup of hot chocolate. It was the best.

However, Skylar noticed that one boy didn't join in on the fun. Theodore Grambell was his name, and he was known as the "loner". She didn't understand why everyone treated him differently or thought he was weird. He was just shy. That's all he just needed a slight nudge out of his shell.

So, she decided to take the first step. She was going to be friend Theodore Grambell. How was she going to do that? Well, she had the perfect plan. All she needed was some fabric and thread and a little bit of help from her Papa.

What could go wrong?


Christmas day was now upon the little dome orphanage. Children were excitedly opening presents and joyous laughter filled Home Sweet Home. Everyone was in high spirits, all except for one. Theodore stayed to the side watching as kids showed friends their new toys. Playing and having fun, he wished he had a friend to play with the prototype was his only friend. Everyone treated him like a weirdo and didn't want to play with him, but he was alone.

He wished he wasn't so different. Maybe then he'd have more friends-

"Theo! There you are!" Theodore was caught off guard by the sudden nickname and turned around to face Skylar, holding a purple gift box with a dark purple ribbon."Merry Christmas! I made you a present. " Theodore stared in awe at the gesture hesitant to take it but also not wanting to lose a possible new friend.

Theodore took the box and slowly took the bow off and tore off the wrapping paper. He opened the top and was shocked by what he saw. Inside was a hand-made Catnap doll it was a bit wonky looking, but still very cute.

"I also made a Dogday! That way, when people see our plushies, they'll see we're best friends!" Theodore looked at Skylar with wide, hopeful eyes."Friends... You want to be friends..?" He was unsure no one had ever wanted to be his friend, but the bright smile on Skylars' face made all his worries drift away.

"Yes! I want to be your friend!" She held out her Dogday plush to him."So what do you say? Friends?" Theodore looked at the plush, and a small smile graced his face as her pushed the Catnap plush against the Dogday one in what looked like a hug."Friends."

Theodore was happy that he now had two friends.


"So who's this mysterious friend you want me to meet?" Skylar tilted her head curiously as Theodore led her into Home Sweet Home and to his room. Months after Christmas, Skylar and Theodore became inseparable, always playing and having lunch together. Skylar would even bring Theodore to eat lunch with her and her Papa.

Although she couldn't do strenuous activities, Theodore didn't mind and understood that she needed to keep her heart at a steady pace. Today, he wanted to show her his first friend. She would understand him and wouldn't be scared like the other adults he just knew it.

"He's very nice. I'm sure you'll just love him he's like us but a little different. " Skylar took in this information with a nod. She trusted Theodore knew what he was doing, so she wasn't put off by the mysterious friend and was a little excited to meet them.

Theodore stopped by his bed and got down on his knees, looking under his bed. "It's ok to come out now she's a friend. I think you'll like her." it was quiet for some time until a large metal hand came out from under the bed "Hello little one, a pleasure to meet you." Skylar was shocked into silence, looking at the hand staring for a while.

Theodore waited for her response, starting to fidget nervously. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe he should've waited longer. Maybe-

"He looks so cool!" Skylar exclaimed stars practically shining around her."He looks like a robot! Is that what he is? And his voice is awesome! Can he sing? New singing buddy!" Theodore let out a sigh of relief as the Prototype introduced himself, and Skylar asked a lot of questions. Theodore knew she would understand now they could all be best friends.


"Where's Theo!? Where's my friend!?" Skylar exclaimed, looking for her best friend. It was over a year since the two became friends, and now he was the only person she had left. Her Papa had dissapered without warning and the scientists wouldn't tell her where he was, but deep down she seemed to know since Dogday had appeared the same day her Papa dissapered but she didn't want to believe that.

"Sweetie, please, you must stay calm your heart-" Ms. Delight tried to calm the girl, but when a stretcher rolled over with a blanket over it with a small body. She knew who that was "THEO!!" She screamed and rushed over, grabbing the stretcher "Theo please! Answer me! Don't leave me! I'm sorry! I should've been there! I'm so sorry! Please don't go!" The scientist wanted to shove the little girl away, but the caretakers forbade it.

Skylar needed to grieve she needed this closure. If she couldn't have that with her father, the least they could do was have it with her best friend.

Even if this wouldn't be the last time she saw him.


Hopesong woke up from her dream. Was it a dream it seemed too real and familiar to be a dream. She slowly got up from her bed so as not to wake up Dogday and went over to Catnaps room. "Uncle Catnap? Are you awake?" Catnap lifted his head from his bed and walked over to the bars where Hopesong was.

"Bad dream?" Hopesong shrugged "no it was a weird dream this time" Catnap nodded "want to tell me?" Hopesong nodded and started to explain the dream.

Catnap listened but couldn't help the feeling of sadness knowing that his dear friend couldn't remember him the REAL him and not the him the scientists made him into. He wished he could've saved his friend from the fate he had to suffer, but at least they were together and with the help of the Prototype he would save her from this hell.

After all, she was his Angel.

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