Died with Them

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(What if Catnap became Hopesongs parental figure after Dogdays imprisonment?)


Catnap gently took her hand. "Please....Come with me...I promise you will be safe...and loved." Hopesong was unsure whether or not to believe his words. After everything he did after everyone, he murdered how can she forgive him? And yet... She didn't want to die she also didn't want to be alone.

Hopesong looked at the Playhouse, but Catnap quickly stood in her way. "He is not there... He traded you for mercy... He has left the Playcare.." And with those simple words, Hopesongs' heart broke in half. "No... You're lying..." Hopesong didn't know whether to trust his word, but he sounded so sincere...Why else would he come after her?

Catnap gently pulled her into a hug as she wept. "Please....Tell me you're lying...He...He wouldn't...He's my papa...Please..." Yet Catnap held his tongue, making it seem like he was trying to spare her feelings. In reality, it was just to make his lie more believable. He knew if she learned the truth, she would turn away from the prototype and be dirtied by Dogday once more. He couldn't allow that.

Hopesong was smart, but she was also naive even after all the pain Catnap caused she still wanted to see the best in him. After all, he was all she had left of a family now.

After some time of just weeping and silent hugs. Hopesong composed herself and took Catnaps offered hand. "I'm...I'm ready now...Uncle Catnap.." Catnap gave a satisfied purr and hoisted Hopesong onto his back. "Don't worry... You will like the prototype..." Somehow, Hopesong wasn't sure if that would be the case. But at least she had Catnap.


"I can't kill it! I can't.." Hopesong sobbed, looking at the heavily wounded Bunzo Bunny. Catnap had attacked it to show Hopesong how to hunt, but she couldn't deal with the final blow, not when it looked at her with fear yet acceptance in its eyes.

Catnap sighed he knew this was going to be a problem. Her weapon was a baseball bat she found easy to kill with, but she couldn't pull herself to do it. Catnap went to Hopesong and gently patted her head. "You must Hopesong...If you can't be ruthless then... You will end up prey....You must be the predator... For survival.." Hopesong sniffled and looked up at Catnap "But...But...Can't we help it...?" Catnap shook his head "no my angel...View it as giving mercy...They will be free from pain and suffering...Think that and it'll ease the pain.." Hopesong nodded her head and, with shakey hands, brought the bat up over her head.

She closed her eyes to avoid looking at the bunny's eyes and brought the bat down full force. A loud crack came from its skull, and blood splattered on the ground.

Hopesong dropped the bat and cried into her hands. Catnap hugged her and whispered encouragements and reassurances. It made her feel a little better, but only a little. Catnap patted her head with his tail. "Don't worry... It gets easier with time.." she wanted to believe him, but she wished that she didn't have to for the sake of survival.


The years went by, and it became easier for Hopesong to kill. To shut off her heart and become unfeeling and ruthless, just like her Uncle Catnap. However, she wouldn't kill senselessly she would give a warning when a toy stepped out of line with thinly veiled threats or "demonstrations" of what would happen if the toy continued their behavior with her baseball bat.

Push her too far, and that toy would feel the wrath of Security Measure 1977. Catnap was proud of Hopesong she had become fierce and strong, a perfect disciple for the prototype. Hopesong didn't like the prototype it always sounded so condescending, but she had to admire its work even if she hated what it did to everyone during the Hour of Joy it managed to rally an army of toys to its side.

Though she didn't know why but her gut felt that something was about to change she wasn't sure what, but it was something that would shake the foundations of the factory. It all started when Hopesong entered the school and Ms. Delight swiftly approached her. "YOU! You deal with this mess! That human is causing too much of a ruckus!" She waved Barb around. As if that was threatening to Hopesong.

Hopesong raised a brow. "Is that an order? Ms. Delight, I thought you said you could "handle" the problem alone." Ms. Delight stuttered at being called out. "That isn't the issue! You must squash their hope! All you do is laze around and do nothing! Be useful!" Hopesong scoffed."I believe this is your school. You and Uncle Catnap made a deal. You stay in the school and report what you see, and we leave you alone so I don't have to do anything, bitch. Unless you've already forgotten who I am?" Ms. Delight gripped Barb and looked away.

"No, I haven't forgotten, but at least do something!" Hopesong huffed."I have better things to do than wasting my time solving your problems. Good day, Ms. Delight" Hopesong turned to leave and Ms. Delight growled and said what ultimately sealed her fate. "No wonder your dear,"Papa" abandoned you!" That did it.

Hopesong stopped in her tracks, and silence filled the room. Then, cracking came from Hopesong as her body extended along with her arms and legs. Her hands became claws, and two white glowing eyes pierced into Ms. Delights soul. A big Smiling Critters smile was plastered on Hopesongs face as her voice distorted in laughter "Oh Ms. Delight, that wasn't very wise. Now, I'll show you exactly why they call me The Girl of Hell, I'll make you wish you died with them" and with she pounced tearing Ms. Delight apart, her screams echoing out through the school.


Hopesong left the school blood now staining her fur. She was back to normal when she walked out she looked at the Playhouse. The only other way out of the school would be the Playhouse, so that would be where the human was. Fighting her little ones that guarded the place inside where Uncle Catnap resided. A place she wasn't allowed in.

She smirked and went to the Playhouse doors her bat in hand and the thought of how she could torture this human. "I'm sure Uncle Catnap can make an exception," she giggled manicly.

"Besides, it's been so long since I've had a playmate,"

(A/n: Hmmm, I might continue this. I've had this idea knocking around about Hopesong being a Villanova rather than an ally. Let me know what you guys think!)

Healing In-between Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon