Alternative Ending: Lost Sunshine

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(A/n: Hello! So this is a one-shot of the original ending of my book, so prepare some tissues and ice cream!)

TW: There will be attempted suicide near the end of the book. Read with caution!


Dogday had managed to protect Poppy and (Y/n) from the explosion. His back was a bit burned, but nothing serious when it was safe he let go of Poppy and (Y/n) looking at the now burning prototype. It was done. It was finally dead, after years and years wishing it would just die here, it was burning into ashes. He almost wanted to dance for joy, but he couldn't. Not yet. Not without his daughter.

"Hopesong?! Hopesong, where are you!? Please say something!" Dogday looked around for his daughter growing more frantic when he couldn't find her. He paused hearing the scrapping of metal and small footsteps of toys. He saw a large pile of metal and saw the little ones as Hopesong called them desperately, trying to pull the metal off. Something started to spread underneath the metal pile. He thought maybe it was just his imagination until he realized it was blood.

Dogday rushed to the pile and started pulling away at large pieces of metal. "Hopesong, I'm coming, sweetie! Papa's coming!" He denied seeing the blood. Everything was fine he'd get her out they'd hug, then they'd leave this cursed place as a family. Poppy and (Y/n) soon came over to help Dogday remove the metal, and after some time, Dogday saw Hopesongs face "Hopesong I'm here! I-" the words died when he saw what the metal pile was hiding.

A metal beam had pierced through Hopesongs chest from behind. It went through her heart, leaving the end of the beam covered in blood. Hopesong gripped the beam with bloodied hands wheezing and coughing, struggling to take in air. Hopesongs one eye was unfocused, but she managed to look at Dogday and gave a weak smile. "Papa....your here..." Dogday snapped out of it and pulled Hopesong into his arms she looked so small just like the day they met.

"Hopesong... It's ok! We'll-We'll fix this! You're going to be ok!" He didn't know if he was reassuring her or himself as his shakey hand pushed away some of her hair off her face. Hopesong gave a weak chuckle, blood going down the side of her mouth. "I...I don't think there's fixing this, Papa..." it was true it was unfair, but it was true, but Dogday couldn't accept that truth."Don't say that! I'll find a way! Just-Just don't do this to me! I can't lose you too! Stay with me, please!" He sobbed he could feel her getting colder and colder, which made him pull her closer and closer.

Hopesong with the little strength, she had raised a hand and gently rubbed Dogdays cheek "oh Papa...I'm sorry I have to leave....But you aren't alone...You'll have Poppy and (Y/n)...I'll finally see the others..." Her green eye started to grow dim as her hand struggled to stay where it was on Dogdays cheek, but he gently pressed her hand against his cheek as tears started to stain the fur on his face. She felt so cold, yet her gaze was so warm.

Dogday sobbed and pressed his forehead against Hopesongs as she took one last breath. "I love you, Papa....See you next time....." And with one last twitch and exhale, she was gone. Her green eye was dim and lifeless, and she was now limp her chest no longer rising or falling. She was just still.

At first, Dogday didn't register this gently shaking Hopesong in the hopes she was just sleeping. "Hopesong...? Hopesong don't do this to me...Wake up..." When it finally started to sink in, he let out a heartbreaking wail crying into her hair as he pressed her body against his chest."Please! Don't take her away from me! I need her! please! Don't take away my sunshine! She's all I have left! No... No, no, no! HOPESONG!" His wails echoed throughout the room.

Poppy, (Y/n), and BB could only watch as he grieved silently crying and weeping. Dogday lost his sunshine, and this time, he couldn't get her back.


The days seemed to blend together for Dogday. All he really remembered was leaving with (Y/n), Poppy, BB, and the little ones. He refused to leave his daughter behind in the factory to rot away, so they wrapped her in a blanket and drove to the large cabin in the woods. He buried her near a waterfall she would've loved to see it she was always fascinated by the calming presence a waterfall seemed to give. They placed stones over where she was buried, placing flowers and other items for her.

Everyone had eventually left to retire for the night except for Dogday. He stayed there for days, and on this day, he finally couldn't stand the replaying memories and horrid nightmares he just wanted to see her again. He stood at the edge of where the waterfall was it would be so easy to jump and fall into the waters below to fade away and be reunited with all his friends and daughter, but something stopped him from taking that step.

He didn't know if it was cowardice or the fact that he couldn't leave knowing it would break his angels heart. Then, they would grieve the loss of two of their closest family. He couldn't do that to them he loved them too much to put them through more pain, so he sat down at the edge making a new vow to himself he would protect his angels home and everyone who was now under his care. He would protect his angels' peace and love them till the end of time. At least then it could make up for him failing to protect his sunshine.

The sun's rays peaked through the clouds onto Dogday, and unbeknownst to him, a group of transparent figures sat around Dogday hugging him. The figures sported the colors of blue, white, red, yellow, green, pink, purple, and a new color of brown that held his hand resting her head on his shoulder.

They loved him and would make sure Dogday lived the rest of his life in peace until it was time for them to meet again.

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