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(TW: Mentions of physical and emotional abuse. Read with caution!)

(What if Security Measure 1977 activated during her time with the Smiling Critters?)


It was an accident. She just got spooked, and immediately, her body transformed, apparently. Hopesong wasn't sure because she didn't remember transforming into anything, but her Papa told her the same story as the other Smiling Critters, so it had to be true. Especially when she saw the damage caused by the outburst. Home Sweet Home now had a new hole in the wall where the living room was.

Hopesong stayed close to Dogday as the group waited in their respective rooms in the Playhouse. "Am I in trouble?" Dogday looked at Hopesong and rubbed her back reassuringly."Of course not it was an accident. I'm sure they'll fix the hole, and everything will be alright." Hopesong gave a hopeful smile and nodded. Her ear flicked at the sound of a door opening and footsteps.

A scientist and group of security personnel stood in front of Hopesong and Dogday. "Experiment 1977, you will be transferred to the upper level of the factory with experiment 1170" Dogday was shocked hiding Hopesong behind him. "W-what? You can't! She's a child. This is her home you can't-!" In what seemed like a blur, Dogday was pulled back and restrained by the security officers."Papa! Don't hurt him! I-I'm sorry about the hole! I'll fix it!" A shock collar with a handle snapped around Hopesongs neck, forcing her on the ground.

"Feathers! Leave them alone! You can't take her!" Hoppy Hopscotch shouted, and soon the others started protesting, trying to stop them, but the security officers kept them back as Hopesong was dragged away screaming and crying. The scientists sneered as he left the room. "You're just toys. Made to obey us, your thoughts are just meager footnotes." Hopesong stretched a hand out trying to reach Dogday, but only seemed to get further and further away.



This was her permanent hell. Two years, she was trapped in this endless cycle of standing, staring, unable to speak, and if she dared to speak, she was beaten until she couldn't stand. Hopesongs back was covered in stitches having to repair the wounds from the beatings. As if the physical pain wasn't enough, they would also degrade her.

They tore her self-esteem into shreds, saying how she was a burden, dumb, a nobody, no one cared, Dogday never loved her, cause if he loved her, he would come and save her. Hopesong knew it was untrue, but she heard their words so many times that she started to believe them. Her only respite from the torture was when night fell, only then was Hopesong allowed to cry as Huggy Wuggy tried to comfort her.

Huggy Wuggy understood her pain and tried to protect her, but he would be restrained as they scarred her and destroyed her self-esteem, so all he could do was comfort her and tend to her wounds Security Measure 1977 wanted to tear those arrogant security officers to shreds, but Hopesong held it back. Still holding onto the hope, she would be saved.

But now, she no longer held hope that Dogday would save her from this pain. She was stuck in this cycle with no way out of it, and she hated it. Huggy Wuggy knew it wouldn't be long until the prototype executed it's plan to set them all free, so for now, all he could do is bide his time and put the pieces of Hopesongs self-worth back together each day.


Hopesong didn't know what instigated it. She just wanted to help the lady who fell get back onto her feet, but that must've been her first mistake. A scientist started shouting at her before hitting her, making her fall to the ground. The yelling became loud static in her ears as the scientist got ready to use a tazer on her neck.

She couldn't take it anymore.

All she wanted was rest.

All she wanted was quiet

All she wanted was SILENCE.


With blinding speed, she grabbed the man by the face, her enlarged hand engulfing his head. The man let out muffled yells and cries, dropping the tazer. He was still too loud. "I...Am not your toy!" She yelled in rage before crushing his head blood splattering onto the floor and her face. Blood dripped from her hand as the body was now limp.

That was Huggy Wuggys cue as he attacked the other employees eating them and tearing them apart. Hopesong dropped the body, and the loud static returned, and she knew how to get rid of it. She looked at the other remaining employees and let Security Measure 1977 go nuts. Hopesong tore into the employees until they couldn't scream, smashing their heads and tearing their bodies apart.

The massacre seemed to last forever until every last employee was dead, and it was now eerily quiet. Hopesong breathed heavily, her fur stained in blood, and finally, it was silent. Huggy Wuggy looked over at her, his mouth dipping in blood and his fur now drenched in the front with red. Without another word, she left the quiet bloodbath and went deeper into the factory.

Huggy Wuggy made no move to stop her, knowing she was going to find the Playcare. She waited this long to see her home. Who was he to stop her?

Hopesong walked past the bloodied halls of the factory. Paying no mind to the torn apart employees and scientists. They deserved it. All of it. They sat there and watched them get used and abused, and the scientists didn't see them as anything more than toys they could bend to their will. She hated them. She hated them all.

Hopesong would never forgive them.


Hopesong watched as (Y/n) struggled and survived Mommy Long Legs twisted games. It was laughable how they fought so hard to live even though it was pointless. In the end, the Prototype would kill them, and all the scrambling would he for nothing.

Uncle Catnap said that everything would fall into the Prototypes plan, and (Y/n) would soon perish. For now, all Hopesong could do was watch and prepare for when they would find themselves on the Playcare. Maybe they would stumble into the Playhouse, and she would really show them suffering.

Though that'll give her the perfect opportunity to meet her "father" face-to-face, and she couldn't wait to finally make him feel the way she had been feeling all those years.

After all, he never came to save her, so why should she save him from fate.


(A/N: In this one, Dogday actually survived the Hour of Joy and still has his legs! So he is a survivor and has no idea what happened to Hopesong, but Hopesong does know he's alive and thought he abandoned her. Hope that clears that up and hope you all enjoy!)

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