Security Measure 1977 Pt.2

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(Y/n) thought they saw it all. From toys trying to kill and eat them to bringing three living toys home and becoming family, but what they see definitely tops all of that. With their flashlight, they found what was behind the screaming. What looked to be two men were torn apart, blood staining the ground, and guts were strewn about some hanging in the trees. However, their heads were missing.

(Y/n) looked at the mess in horror, Dogday was stunned, and Poppy and BB were very confused standing on Dogdays shoulders. "What the hell happened..." (Y/n) mumbled, moving closer to look at what remained in one's hand was a knife and the other was a camera. Poppy saw the blinking recording light. "Hey! It's been recording. I bet we can look at the footage and see what happened to them. " Dogday hummed, "that seems to be our only lead in finding out what happened.." (Y/n) nodded, taking the bloodied camera and playing the video.

Dogday moved closer to (Y/n) so they could see the footage, and it didn't take long to see what or who the culprit was. The footage was very blurry and static, but (Y/n) could make out the silhouette of a large, thin creature ripping the men apart. BB squeaked a lot seeing the silhouette, and Poppy raised a brow at BB. "Are you sure? It looks similar, but..." BB squeaked some more, and Poppy relented."BB says that silhouette is Hopesong." Once Poppy said that Dogday started to panic.

"What do you MEAN that's her!? It looks nothing like her! Sure, they have similarities, but Hopesong is small and kind she wouldn't hurt a fly!" Dogday exclaimed clearly in denial. (Y/n) sighed and shut off the camera "Well Hopesong isn't here, and these men are dead. Our best shot is finding where she is," Poppy was about to say something when she looked behind (Y/n) freezing at the sight."I don't think we have to look far..." she whispered, shakily pointing at the trees behind (Y/n).

(Y/n) turned around and felt their blood run cold. Hopesong stared at the four blood covering her front and back legs, her one glowing white eye staring into their soul.

"Threats found"


Skylar wasn't allowed to play with the other kids due to her heart defect. Any strenuous activities, and she would be stuck in bed. She hated having to sit on the side while the other children got to play. It wasn't fair.

However, that bitterness never lasted long. "Sky! I'm here!" Alexander Helios, her best friend and father,"Papa!" She giggled, running over to him and getting scooped up into his arms."There's my beautiful angel!" He giggled, hugging her "Papa guess what! Ms. Delight said I was very smart!" Alexander smiled, sitting down on a bench nearby "well I already knew you were very smart, my sky. " Skylar giggled and rested her head in Alexander's shoulder.

She was his sky, and he was her sun all Alexander needed to do was make it official. "Hey Sky, I have a surprise for you." Skylar gasped and smiled wide."What is it, Papa?" Alexander sat Skylar on the bench and pulled out adoption papers. Skylar looked them over and then looked at Alexander, who smiled. "Today, I'll turn these in, and then we'll officially be father and daughter," Skylar squealed and hugged Alexander. "This is the best surprise ever!" She exclaimed.

Alexander smiled he knew of her heart defect, but it didn't matter. He'd find a way to help her, and then they'll live together just the two of them. A small but perfect family.

Hopesong felt this was familiar to her, and yet she couldn't remember this life. What could have been if others hadn't meddled. If these two strangers were left to have their happily ever after

The scene started to fade, and Hopesong was plunged back into the inky abyss. In the end, the two did get their happily ever after. But at what cost?


This was Dogdays worst nightmare. He was fighting his daughter just to keep (Y/n), Poppy, and BB safe from what his daughter turned into.

Hopesongs voice was distorted and static talking as if she wasn't all there. Her body was thin, with her limbs being longer. Her legs were hores-like while her hands were claws meant for tearing and ripping. Blood now stained those hands and legs from the massacre that happened minutes prior. This was so much for Dogday to take in.

Security Measure 1977 soon pounced at Dogday, trying to pin him down with her legs and hands. What she lacked in strength she made up for in speed and knowledge. She knew his weak spots and what to do to get him to yield, but Dogday also knew her weaknesses she was fast, but she could only see with her left eye, leaving her right side vulnerable she wasn't stupid enough to leave her right side open for attacks he needed something to distract her.

(Y/n) shot at Security Measure 1977 to get her attention. One bullet grazed her cheek, and that certainly got her attention. She roared and lunged at (Y/n) she miscalculated as Dogday rammed into her right side. Security Measure 1977 shrieked and thrashed around. Dogday wrapped his arms and legs around her to keep her pinned "Hopesong please snap out of it! It's me!" She resisted, shrieking more, trying to claw at him.

Dogday started to stroke her hair comfortingly and started to sing it was something he only did for Hopesong when she was distressed and couldn't calm down. He wasn't very good at singing, but for her, he didn't mind everyone staring as his voice cracked.

"You are my sunshine~"

"M-my only sunshine~"

"You make me happy~"

"W-when sky's are grey~"

Slowly, she stopped thrashing around, and her breath became even. Her ears twitched as she listened to his song.

"You'll never know dear~"

"How much I love you~"

"Please don't take my sunshine away~"

Dogday slowly let go of Hopesong when she stopped moving. She was laying her head in his lap, her eyes closed. She was sleeping. When (Y/n) got closer, the sound of cracking started as Hopesong slowly turned back to normal. Her fur was still stained, and her hoodie was beyond repair, but she was back to being herself.

Dogday held her close, picking her up bridal style. He looked at (Y/n), Poppy, and BB before looking at Hopesong.

"Let's never speak of this again,"

In the morning, Hopesong had no recollection of the events that happened the night before. However, she was extremely sore and couldn't get out of bed for the rest of the day.

Dogday, (Y/n), Poppy, and BB never told Hopesong what happened, and they'd keep it that way if they could help it. Dogday especially never wanted Hopesong to know what happened that night.

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