Is that You?

7 0 0

2 weeks later.

Rodeo day.

My first one sinc3 Bullet left and my 5th one coming back into it.

I've been riding and practicing as a cope for everything.

I'm making by.

Me and Waylon are good nothings happened since the party.


Garrett twitches under me, I can feel him shuffling beneath me.

Shifting from hoof to hoof.

He's another ranch horse. He's a cattle horse that I taught to do barrels when I was 16 I think.

He's a great horse and loves to run barrels he hasn't done if for a long time so I've been practicing on him and he's getting better as well as me.

Everything numbs as I hear that noose.

Over the speakers I here...

"Korey Harrison, on Little Blue Boy!"

Little Blue Boy.

That's Bullets registed name.

He's a shire cross therefore r he's registered to the American Warmblood Society.

I Wachtel run after run my mind blank, everything blurry in a daze.

Till I see that one horse.

My eyes seem to magnet toward him, I see him withh Korey on him, she's got a tomb thumb on him and a saddle that doest fit right.

Koreys pulling hard back om the bit and whipping him to go.

He finally lurches forward.

He's off into the arena, Korey bouncing around om his back like it's a bouncing castle.

I watch them make the first and the second.

He knocked both down and same with the third.

She's pulling him to tight around the barrels.

She's ruining him.

I watch in physical pain as she starfish him on there run home.


I makenmy run and Garrett dose amazing.

But that's not what ik focused on right now.

I walked round the whole parking lot till I spot the all to familiar trailer.

I see Korey unsaddlinf Bullet and timing him to dome railing near by.

I watch from a distance as she walks to her trailer shuts it and get in her truck, she sits thee for 23 minutes-i timed her- and turns the truck on and leaves.

She leaves him there.

I feel something wound up in my chest and I feel like the happiest person in the word and like I wanna kill everyone all at the same time.

My happiness over raided my anger-for now.

I bolt to Bullet.

As I get closer i notice a small laseration on hie right flank.

She whipped him.

My anger grows as ig et closer and slow down tk a walk.

He just seams dead, he doesn't look like the horse I know.

I finally reach out and tuch his neck amd he flinched up, his head flying high.

His eyes widen and I can see the whites.

"Shhh." I day calmly reaching for the halter on the railing.

I undo the rope and gruo it like my life depents on it.

I relax a bit when he calms down and melts into my tuch.

He lets out a soft Winnie and leans into my hand that's rubbing his face.

I feel tears well on Mt eyes.

I hug his neck tight.

I take a picture if him and his laseration.

And speed walk to my trailer, Garretson tied with his bridal off and a halter on two thw side.

Thankfully I brought the two horse just in case, i had a feeling.

I load the horses up and call Kiara and tall her what's going on as I drive home.

When I get there I'm greeted by her at the front gates.

We take no time conversing.

We get Garrett put away and tie Bullet.

His laseration isn't horrible it's not deep or big, but if it gets infected it can be game over.

After taking him over he's seems to be fine.

We clean and cover his laseration and set him in an enpty pen for the night.


I woke up early just to see Bullet.

My body feels like comnusting with joy.

I'm at a loss for words, all i know if I'm cutting contact with Korey.

I took pictures of him last night.

If anything happens worse comes to worse I have proof he was left there bleeding.

I think.

Ice never done anything like this before I honestly don't even know if that's enough proof I just know that I'd walk through hell for Bullet and ik not giving up now.


Its been a couple days and Bullets laseration is almost  fully healed.

I haven't gotten a call from Korey yet but, it all feels to perfect.

Like if I'm not carefully it's all gonna come crashing down again.

I don't knownhow to explain it but it's just kind of happening.

Okay this is the shortest I've left a chapter off as and I promise it won't happen again but sweet cheese.

I've re written this chapter so many times and I just don't like it no matter what so suck it up if you don't like it the feelings mutual.

Sorry for the sucky chapter and leaving you at like 800 words.

Next note.

Just got back from camping and I rolled in barded wire and smacked myself into someone else's quad while chasing after my mom's demanded dog then having to carry him home, you know that's what everyone loves for right?

Anyways that happened other than that I had a good time I went tuning anf stuff.

And once again I'm rambling sorry.

Have a good day or night.

Vote comment anything please thank you so much for 119 reads!!!

Not edited!

I'LL MISS YOUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang